Association | Mission | History | Publications | Links | Board | Webpage | Members
We started in 2007 as a multilingual network of early career researchers from a broad range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Initially funded by the collaborative project "Methodologies and methods in discourse analysis" (2007-2011), it gave birth to a Handbook and Dictionary of Discourse Studies, which are the largest ones of their kind.
The regular network meetings had grown into international events by the mid 2010s. DiscourseNet has since been organising two to four events every year, including biannual international DN Congresses, thematically focused DN Conferences, DN Group Events (seminars and reading groups), DN Graduate Schools and Collaborative DN events with other groups or associations (see list below).
Piloted by Johannes Angermuller, DiscourseNet was constituted as a formal association on 12th of September 2019 together with 180 founding members. Johannes Angermuller (Open University, UK) was elected as President, Luciana Radut-Gaghi (Paris Seine, France) as Treasurer and Jaspal Singh (Hong Kong) as Secretary. On the 20th of October 2021, Benno Herzog (Valencia, Spain) was elected as President, Aurora Fragonara (Amiens, France) as Secretary and Michael Kranert (Southampton, UK) as Treasurer. In 2023 these three legal representatives were confirmed for a second term.
We always remain on the look-out for interesting collaborations! If you want to organise an event together with or under the banner of DiscourseNet, please contact Thomas Jacobs or the DiscourseNet Events Group to discuss the possibilities.
Regular DiscourseNet seminars
Open DiscourseNet seminar, London - monthly online talks.
Séminaire DiscoursNet, Paris - séminaire mensuel en ligne.
DiscourseNet online reading group
Grupo del lectura Estudios del Discurso y Descolonialidad
DiscourseNet congresses, conferences, workshops
- DNC6: 6th DiscourseNet Congress
Discourse and the imaginaries of past, present and future societies: media and representations of (inter)national (dis)orders
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 7-10th of July 2024
- DN31: 31st DiscourseNet Conference
Discourses of Capital, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence
Online workshop, 4-9th of November 2024
DiscourseNet-DiPVaC Conference
Changing Discourses – Aspects of Linguistic, Social and Discourse Variation
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, 12th-14th June 2024
DN30: 30th DiscourseNet Conference
Knowledge - Between Discursive Construction and Cultural Contextualization
Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, 22-24 May 2024
2nd DiscourseNet ad hoc workshop
The language, discourse, and symbols of violence and peace in Gaza, Israel, and Palestine
Online, Thursday, 18 April, 2024
8th DiscourseNet Winter School
Discourse Studies and Power from the margins
Valencia, Spain, January 2024
DNC5ALED: 5th DiscourseNet Congress DNC5 together with ALED
Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises
University of Valencia, Spain, 25-28 July, 2023
DN29: 29th DiscourseNet Conference
Visiolinguistics: Panoramas of Languaging and Visuality.
The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 12-15 September 2023
DN28: 28th DiscourseNet Conference
Discurso y teoría critica
Mar del Plata, Argentine, 26-28 October 2022
7th DiscourseNet Winter School:
Capitalism in Global Crisis: Economic Transformations, New Authoritarianism, and Resistance
Valencia, Spain, January 2022
DNC4: 4th DiscourseNet Congress DNC4:
The Impact of Discourse Studies on the Contemporary World.Making a Difference Inside and Outside the Academia
Budapest, Hungary, 20-22 October 2021
DN27: 27th DiscourseNet Conference:
Language ideologies and political discourse (online)
Milton Keynes, Open University, UK, 15-16 July 2021
DN26: 26th DiscourseNet Conference:
Discourses in Post-National Spaces (open)
Gießen, Germany, 24-25 March, 21-22 May, 1-2 July 2021
DN25 - 25th DiscourseNet Conference
Global Dispositifs. From #DigitalRevolution to the #NewSilkRoad
Tyumen, Russia, 12-15 November 2020
DN24 - 24th DiscourseNet Conference
Discourse and Communication as Propaganda: Digital and multimodal forms of activism, persuasion and disinformation across ideologies
Brussels, Belgium, 7-9/09/2020
- Intensive Methods Week for Doctoral Students in discourse and languages
Open University, online, 13-17/07/2020
DNS6 - 6th DiscourseNet Summer School
Ethnography meets Discourse Analysis
Tutzing, Germany, 29/06/2020 - 03/07/2020
DNC3-ALED - 3rd DiscourseNet Congress in collaboration with ALED
Knowledge and power in a polycentric world. Discourses across languages, cultures and spaces
Keynotes: Johannes Angermuller (UK), Dominique Maingueneau (France), Patrick Charaudeau (France), Viviane Resende de Melo (Brazil)
Paris Seine, France, 11-14/09/2019
DN23 - 23rd DiscourseNet conference
Discourse, Power and Mind: Between Reason and Emotion
Bergamo, Italy, 06-08/06/2019
DN22 - 22nd DiscourseNet conference
Discourse, Power, Subjectivation
Gießen, Germany, 12-14/09/2018
DN21 - 21st DiscourseNet conference in collaboration with Political Discourse and Multidisciplinary Approaches #2
New Discourses of Populism and Nationalism
Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-22/06/2018
DN20 - DiscourseNet conference and 20th meeting
Exploring Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies
Keynotes: Christopher Hart (University of Lancaster) and Heike Pichler (Newcastle University, UK)
Budapest, Hungary, 18-19/05/2018
DNC2 - 2nd DiscourseNet Congress
Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies: Theory and Practice
Warwick (Coventry), UK, 13-15/09/2017
DN19 - DiscourseNet conference and meeting
Discourse, Knowledge and Practice in Society
Keynote: Isabela Fairclough (University of Central Lancashire), Distinguished Guest: Norman Fairclough (University of Lancaster)
Bucharest, Romania, 07-08/07/2017
DN18 - DiscourseNet conference and 18th meeting
Gender and Discourse
Paderborn, Germany, 08-09/09/2016
DN17 - DiscourseNet conference and 17th meeting
Reflexivity and Critique in Discourse
Pamplona, Spain, 16-18/03/2016
2nd DiscourseNet Spring School
Critical Usage of Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methods Software for Discourse Studies
Pamplona, Spain, 21-24/03/2016
DNC1 - 1st DiscourseNet Congress and 16th meeting
International Discourse Congress
Bremen, Germany, 23-26/09/2015
DN15 - DiscourseNet conference and 15th meeting
Discourses of Culture – Cultures of Discourse
Belgrade, Serbia, 19-21/03/2015
1st DiscourseNet Winter School
Valencia, Spain, 20-24/01/2015
14th meeting
Diskurs - semiotisch, mit dem Tagungsnetzwerk Diskurs interdisziplinär
Mannheim, Germany, 04-06/12/2014
13th meeting
Discourse Studies in the Social Sciences. Towards a Dialogue between Theory and Analysis
Warwick, UK, Spring 2014
12th meeting
Der Diskurs der Diskursforschung. Disziplinäre, transdisziplinäre und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Bern, Switzerland, Autumn 2013
11th meeting: Berlin, Germany, spring 2013; 10th meeting: Bremen, Germany, autumn 2012; 9th meeting: Bielefeld, Germany, spring 2012; 8th meeting: Berlin, Germany, autumn 2011; 7th meeting: Berlin, Germany, spring 2011; 6th meeting: Berlin, Germany, autumn 2010; 5th meeting: Sankt Andreasberg, Germany, spring 2010; 4th meeting: Munich, Germany, autumn 2009; 3rd meeting: Paris, France, spring 2009; 2nd meeting: Wuppertal, Germany, autumn 2008; 1st meeting: Magdeburg, Germany, January 2008