Association | Mission | History | Publications | Links | Board | Webpage | Members
A multidisciplinary community
- DN is a community of researchers in Discourse Studies, broadly understood as a field studying social practices of meaning production in the entanglements of verbal and/or non-verbal communication.
- DN does not represent a particular school or disciplinary field. It offers a forum for all strands in Discourse Studies.
- Discourse researchers mobilize theories and methods to explain objects at the intersection of language and society. In particular, we are interested in how relationships of power and inequality are produced and reproduced in communicative practices.
Principles and aims
- DN aims to follow the principles of democracy, diversity, transparency and efficiency.
- DN provides a pluralist, multilingual, inclusive and non-hierarchical space for discourse researchers from all disciplinary and geographic backgrounds. It is committed to equality of opportunity irrespective of race, gender, sexuality, ability, nationality, age, ethnicity, class for all those who want to participate in its events and contribute to its activities.
- DN encourages critical, democratic reflection on societal issues. Open to social movements, activism and various forms of political struggles inside and outside academia, it encourages discourse researchers to engage in public controversies. It aims to strike a productive balance between specialised academic knowledge and critical awareness of issues in society at large.
Multilingual names
The full name of our association is ‘DiscourseNet: International Association for Discourse Studies’, commonly referred to as ‘DiscourseNet’ and abbreviated as ‘DN’. This name will be used in all official communication (e.g. website, email, promotion of DiscourseNet events).
For purposes of communication we may also rely on the following translations. For multilingual events, we will always use the official name ‘DiscourseNet: International Association for Discourse Studies’ in combination with one or more of the following translations, e.g.:
DiscoursNet: Association internationale des Études du discours
DiskursNetz: Internationale Gesellschaft für Diskursforschung
DiscursoNet: Asociación Internacional de Estudios del Discurso
DiscursoNet: Associação Internacional de Estudos do Discurso
ДискурсСеть: международная ассоциация исследований дискурса
ДискурсМрежа: Међународно удружење за истраживање дискурса
DiscourseNet: associazione internazionale di studi sul discorso
DiscourseNet: associazione internazionale di studi sul discorso
خطاب نت: الرابطة الدولية لدراسات الخطاب
The list of available languages and translations can be extended.
In the spirit of DiscourseNet’s inclusive, international and multilingual spirit, it is recommended to use the name in the languages spoken in the local community (i.e. in at least two languages, if the event is not only in English).