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Background of the webpage
This webpage has been created by members of DiscourseNet and it is open to everybody interested in discourse research. Programmed by Daniel Wrana and coordinated by Johannes Angermuller, the web page was launched in 2008 as version 1.0. From 2013-2018, the webpage received funding from the ERC DISCONEX project, led by Johannes Angermuller, and from FHNW Bale (Daniel Wrana) and in 2018 it switched to the current Drupal-based version 2.0. Peter Fargas is developing and maintaining the new website. We have over 8000 registered users, who have sent around more than 1000 calls, announcements and messages over the last years.
The various areas and groups have been created by many voluntary contributors. Benno Herzog leads a dedicated team of language administrators producing and maintaining our site in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian.
We are building on following technologies and services:
Please contact Aurora Fragonara at