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Global Dispositifs - Глобальные диспозитивы - 全球权力运作机制 - Dispositivos globales
Globale Dispositive - Глобални диспозитиви - Dispositivi globali - Dispositifs globaux
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Join us at 25th DiscourseNet international conference on Global Dispositives! (12-15.11.2020, Tyumen)
#DN25 invites you to discuss Global Dispositives – those complex figurations of discourses, technologies, and practices which are expected to reshape the world society in the coming decade: digital, cultural, political, economic, infrastructural and environmental entanglements on a global level. #DN25 includes (but is not restricted to) topics such as digital transformation and data cultures, the New Silk road, the rise of the Arctic region, global media changes, global value chain, policies on issues such as migration, inequality, environment and development.
The point of departure of #DN25 are studies and practices of discourse. For this reason, we invite scholars from various disciplines of humanities and social sciences (e.g. media and communication studies, sociology, linguistics, anthropology, cultural and political studies, philosophy, economy and law), but also activists, artists, journalists, policy makers and policy analysts to join this discussion. Our common goal is to re-conceptualise and/or to make sense of the global processes whose passive witnesses we do not accept to be.
This conference, hosted at Tyumen University will be carried out in cooperation with International DiscourseNet Association, Swiss University of Lugano and Beijing School of Government and Public Affairs.
You can read & download the CfP here
Covid19 disclaimer
We are well aware of the Covid19-pandemic. However, we hope and believe that by mid November the danger will be over. Also, we do not want to stop 'doing science'. In case of a different, unwanted, development, we will be able to offer alternatives concerning either the time or the format of the event (e.g. online). We therefore invite you to send in your paper, panel and poster proposals. We will take into account all the recommendations of the authorities and health experts.
The list of possible topics includes (but is not constrained) to the following:
(Inter)cultural connectedness
New communication infrastructures
Digitization, digitalization, digital transformation
Technologisation of society / peripheries
Discourses of Imaginaries
History of Digital Technology and Imaginary
Chinese-European Media
Critical approach to suffering in digital age
Education in the Digital Age
Apparatuses of global political economy
Anthropology of Arctic region
Ethnographic approach to transcultural phenomena
Global media analysis about BRI
Cultural traditions across media changes
Intercultural communication in polycentric world
The physical traces of BRInfrastructure
Dispositives of New Digitality
Ideological and political constructions
From anthropology to ethnography of global dispositifs
Gender and class
Transnational identities
Subjectivities in a global context
Cultural and discursive political economy
(Re)Standardization of the societies
Centre and periphery discourses
New global constellations
Social role of material infrastructure
The governance of the internet in the age of its balkanization/sovereignty
Political and economic alliances and ruptures
Global gaps and digital divides, global exclusion and invisibilities
All abstracts fitting one or more of the aforementioned themes are welcome. We also invite interesting panel proposals and presentations relevant to the overall conference topic. Check the Ideas page for inspiration.
Preliminary list of special guests, keynotes and topics:
Globalised spaces of academic discourse
Johannes Angermuller, Open University Milton Keyes, UK DNA
Chinese-European Media
Zhan Zhang, Università della Svizzera Italiana /USI, Switzerland CMO
History of Digital Technology and Imaginary
Gabriele Balbi, Università della Svizzera Italiana /USI, Switzerland CMO
Global media analysis about BRI
Zhou Ting, Communication University of China, China SoGaPA
Critical approach to suffering in digital age
Benno Herzog, Valencia University, Spain DNA
Economic Expert Discourses in Globalised Societies
Jens Maeße, Giessen University, Germany DNA
Ethnographic approach to transcultural phenomena
Jaspal Naveel Singh, The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR China DNA
Dispositives of new digitality
Jan Krasni, Tyumen State University, Russia DNA, CTL, SocGum
Tyumen State University (TSU), Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (SocGum), Cultural Trends Lab (CTL), DiscourseNet Association (DNA), Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), China Media Observatory (CMO), China University of Communication (CUC), School of Government and Public Administration (SoGaPA)
This conference is organised by: