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Abstracts and Registration
Please submit your 250 word abstracts on the conference registration service on dn25.sciencesconf.org (if you are experiencing problems with this service, feel free to send your abstract through our email: discoursenet25@gmail.com. Have in mind that you need to register in order to use sciencesconf service). Keep the following important dates in mind:
- Deadline for uploading abstracts for DN25: August 1st, 2020
- (If you need to plan your trip in advance, please contact us for a faster review of your abstract. Deadline for those who do not need visa will be extended)
- Notification of acceptance for abstracts: August 20th, 2020
- Registration will be completed upon payment.
- Payment deadline: October 1st, 2020. A confirmation email will be sent after the deadline for payments has passed.
All the abstracts are vetted by a blind review. The reviewers belong to the committee selected from our 5000 members. This secures the scientific quality of the presentations.
Visa information
As soon as you are informed about the acceptance of your abstract, we will provide you with further information about how to apply for visa. More general information about visa you can find here.
Conference fee & Payment instructions
Your fees (a) support the work of the DiscourseNet portal, (b) cover licences for the online conference software, and (c) give you one-year DiscourseNet membership which enables you to participate in DiscourseNet events and use many of DiscourseNet services. As a member of DiscourseNet Association you will be entitled to receive help with publication in one of our high quality journals, participation in our projects, access to special issues of related journals etc. Please read about advantages of being DiscourseNet member here.
DiscourseNet tries to make its conferences as accessible as possible for researchers from all social strata. For this reason we are trying to keep the costs as low as possible. The money we raise from memberships and conference fees will be used for the events and for servicing our website.
Paying members of the DN association (who have payed their association membership fee separately in 2020) enjoy the following discounts:
- Regular fee: 10 €
- Reduced fee (for participants without institutional funding only): 5 €
- Poster presentation (e.g. MA students and young researchers without an affiliation) - free
Fees for people who are not yet paying members of the DN Association (they become a member after they pay the conference fee for DN25 in 2020):
- Regular fee: 40 €
- Reduced fee (for participants without institutional funding only): 35 €
- Poster presentation (for MA students and young researchers) - free €
Payment instructions will be published after the notification of acceptance for abstracts (after June 20th, 2020). If you have any questions please contact discoursenet25@gmail.com.
You may also pay the appropriate amount using the following services:
- Skrill.com: www.skrill.com (free of charge)
- Transferwise: https://transferwise.com/
- Kukuruza card: http://kykyryza.ru/
If you have any questions please contact: discoursenet25@gmail.com