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Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD)


The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) is an approach to social science discourse and dispositive research introduced in the early 2000s. It integrates power/knowledge and discourse related ideas of Michel Foucault with traditions within the sociology of knowledge and includes a corresponding research methodology (Keller 2024). The approach has informed and informs a variety of discourse related research in German-speaking countries and is also widely used in international contexts.

The proposed English-language working group will provide a forum for intensifying and consolidating international exchange on SKAD within the framework of DiscourseNet. In terms of content, the focus will be on questions relating to the theory and methodology of SKAD, to research currently working with it, and to possible further developments. Additional focal points will of course depend on the interests of the participants.

The working form will initially be a bi-monthly online meeting; face-to-face events are planned as part of DiscourseNet conferences.

To start with, we are initially planning a two-hour online meeting on Wednesday, 19 March at 6 p.m. Central European Time. We hope that this is possible for participants from different time zones; time schedules might be modified later. The first meeting will be about organisational matters and general considerations for further action. We also offer to discuss the theoretical foundations of SKAD. This can be continued in follow-up meetings. On the other hand, there should be the opportunity to present and discuss your own past, present or maybe future SKAD-related work, as well as questions of data analysis and the further development of the approach. There will be room for open questions and discussions. Further suggestions for content are very welcome.

We are planning a real-life meeting to discuss further possibilities for collaboration at the upcoming DiscourseNet conference in Brussels in July 2025.

We look forward to your registration with the group (via the DiscourseNet website) and will be happy to keep you informed about our activities. Please don't forget to give your email contact on the SKAD working group webside and by doing so, please be aware that we will use it for keep you informed about upcoming meetings. For the opening meeting, we will then send you a zoom link in a timely manner.