DN24 Homepage | Programme | Abstracts & Registration | Travel Information | Contact and Organisation
The DN24 conference on Discourse and Communication as Propaganda has been postponed and will be organized online because of the Corona pandemic.
The new date for DN24 is 7-9 September, 2020. Registration will only be complete upon payment of fees. Because we switched to an online event we offer the following reimbursement policy.
All catering related costs have been canceled. The remaining costs are covered by the Engage, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the FNRS. We can therefore updated the fee and reimbursement policy as follows.
- Presenting participants who did not yet pay their conference fees: please pay a reduced conference fee of 30 eurosbefore July 31st. This fee covers a one-year membership of DiscourseNet. For payment instructions, click here: https://discourseanalysis.net/en/dn24-discourse-and-communication-propaganda-abstracts-registration . If we did not receive your payments by that date, we will be forced to remove you from the program.
- Presenting participants who paid their conference fees: DiscourseNet would like to reimburse part of the fee, keeping only the 30 euro obligatory subscription fee for a one-year membership of DiscourseNet. This means you will be reimbursed for the remainder of your full or reduced conference fee + for the conference dinner if you opted in on this). If you would like a reimbursement we merely need you to fill out this form before September 1st. 1st: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDY93t6k20EWfUpqy60e-vyg12_Y7SvubhvPRaBLTj9oFEuA/viewform?usp=sf_link ). If you do not fill out the form in due time, we cannot make the reimbursement.
- Non-presenting participants: DiscourseNet would like to reimburse the complete fee you paid. We therefore e need you to fill out this form before the 1st of September: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDY93t6k20EWfUpqy60e-vyg12_Y7SvubhvPRaBLTj9oFEuA/viewform?usp=sf_link. If you do not fill out the form in due time, we cannot make the reimbursement.
Reimbursements will be made by the end of September 2020 (after the conference).
Payment instructions for conference fee
The deadline for payments for the conference fee and for the conference dinner is July 15th, 2020.
Please mention one of the following references when you make your payment:
- Please use the reference 'DN24 + NAME, FIRST NAME'.
Please wire the money to the following bank account:
- NAME: DiscourseNet
- IBAN: DE61830654080004194489
- Bank address:
Deutsche Skatbank
Zweigniederlassung der VR-Bank
Altenburger Land eG
Altenburger Straße 13
04626 Schmölln
You may also pay the appropriate amount using the following technologies:
- Skrill.com: https://www.skrill.com/en/ (free of charge)
- Transferwise: https://transferwise.com
Abstracts and Registration
The conference is open to non-presenting conference participants on condition that they fill in the conference registration form and pay for the conference fee.
Please submit your 250 word abstracts on the conference registration website on www.dn24.sciencesconf.org . Keep the following important dates in mind:
- Deadline for uploading abstracts for DN24: December 16th, 2019
- Notification of acceptance for abstracts: January 27th, 2020
- Accepted authors and non-presenting participants will need to fill in a form with practical information. Please click here.
- Registration will be complete upon payment. NEW PAYMENT DEADLINE: July 15th, 2020. A confirmation email will be sent after the deadline for payments has passed.
Prices of conference fee & conference dinner (OUTDATED - see UPDATE above)
The conference and conference dinner are open to non-presenting conference participants on condition that they fill in the conference registration form and pay for the conference fee.
Conference fees include (a) organizational expenses and (b) a one-year obligatory DiscourseNet membership fee worth 30 euros which enables you to participate in DiscourseNet events.
Conference fees for people who are not yet paying members of the DN Association when they pay the conference fee for DN24 in 2020:
- Regular fee: 100 euros
- Reduced fee (for participants without institutional funding only): 80 euros
Conference fees for paying members of the DN association (who have payed there association membership fee of thirty euros separately in 2020) enjoy lowered prices:
- Regular fee: 70 euros
- Reduced fee (for participants without institutional funding only): 50 euros
The conference dinner for DN24 has been canceled as the event will be organized exclusively online. Those who already payed for the conference dinner will be able to ask for a reimbursement at a later point in time via a google form.
If you have any questions please contact discoursenet24@gmail.com .
DN24 Homepage | Programme | Abstracts & Registration | Travel Information | Contact and Organisation