#DNS7 Homepage | Application | Registration | Travel Information | Contact and Organisation

Who should apply?
The aim of the Winter School is to bring together young and established discourse researchers, and to address practical challenges in discourse research. The event will provide a collaborative exchange and hands-on research experience in a rather informal workshop setting.
Therefore, participants from disciplines and fields of sociology, political sciences, literary and cultural studies, media and communication, education, geography, philosophy, linguistics and related areas in social sciences and humanities are all invited.
How to apply?
Applicants are expected to send in proposals which include an abstract with one’s project (no more than 250 words) as well as an academic CV. The abstract will consist of a title and a description of the proposed research project or presentation.
Where to send the application?
To apply for the Winter School and for any inquiries or questions, please contact:
When to apply?
Proposals should be sent in by 15th of October 2021. We will inform you until 31st of October if you are accepted.
What comes after?
In case of acceptance, each participant will be asked to send in a 10-page version of the research project by December 31st 2021. These longer texts should delineate the research object, lay out the research questions, situate the project in the field, and reflect on the preferred methods. These versions will be circulated among the participants prior to the event and will be used by the commentators. Each participant will get two comments on their paper by two experts. During the Winter School, the students will not present their entire papers but elaborate on specific points, practical problems and methodological challenges of their projects. The participants are invited to stay during the weekend and join in the social and networking activities with the organisers in the Valencia region. These activities are foreseen as part of the school program.