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The 1st OCDS International Winter School on Disinformation in Modern World Politics

 The Odesa Centre for Disinformation Studies (OCDS) will organize the 1st OCDS International Winter School on Disinformation in Modern World Politics.

The meeting will be organised online, and the preliminary dates are scheduled for February 17-19, 2025. All lectures at the OCDS International Winter School are held in English.

How to embark on a PhD in Discourse Studies? A webinar with tips from DiscourseNet

Are you thinking of doing a PhD in a field related to Discourse Studies? If you want to turn your interest in discourse into a professional academic career but do not yet know what to expect, how to write a project proposal or who to contact, this webinar is a good place to start. Members of DiscourseNet will share their experience and give you a first orientation about how to get your project going. If you haven't started a PhD yet, you may join and ask any questions you might have. The webinar will take place on the 20th of December 2024 4-5pm GMT (UK time).

Online Summer School on Media Representations and Research Methods (sixth edition)

The sixth online edition of this course lasts from 19 until 30 August 2024. Between 2014 and 2019, I organized seven on-campus editions of this course in Maastricht. PhD candidates normally dominate the course participants, but students and professionals also benefited from past editions. Go to DreamApply website for more information and to book your spot in this engaging and helpful course.

Job advertisment: 7 PhD positions (65%) and 1 PostDoc position (75%) at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden

PhD projects of the Schaufler Kolleg will approach the guiding theme "Data↔Worlds" from ethical,social, legal, political, socio-economic, historical, media, didactic, linguistic, literary, educational and aesthetic perspectives. Each research associate position is affiliated with the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. The workplace is located in the lab’s offices. PhD projects will be supervised by one or more members of the TU Dresden according to the PhD degree regulations of the respective faculty at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The PhD supervisor is also the immediate superior.