
BRUSYLOVSKA Olga, Prof. (2012), Dr (Political Science, 2008). She has been working at the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine, since 1991; Head of the International Relations Department since 2015; Visiting Researcher in the Centre of Eastern Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland, since 2022. She defended her Ph.D. in International Relations in 1996, and Doctoral thesis in 2008 (“Political-Systemic Transformation in the Region of Eastern Europe, 1989-2004”, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences); author and editor of more than 100 scientific publications, science editor of the academic journal “International and Political Studies” (Odesa); a member of editorial board “Politology Bulletin” (Kyiv), electronic academic journal “Rhetoric and Communication” (Sofia); a member of Review’s Board of the academic journals “Strategic Review” (Poznan) and “Bulletin of Lviv National University. International Relations Series”. A member in professional associations: Club of Graduates of Eastern Summer School (Warsaw University, 2001), European International Studies Association (2013), Ukrainian European Studies Association (2019), International Studies Association (2019), Political Studies Association (2020), DiscourseNet (2020), Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Fanel Network (2021), The Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers on European Integration (2022). She has been honoured with awards and scholarships from the CEU (Budapest, 1999), Warsaw University (2001), Open Society Institute Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (2006-2008), and European Commission (from 2009).
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0519-4206