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Panel: Global Transitions in Health Care [The 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017)]

The proposed panel aims at bringing together an international group of pragmatics scholars working on health communication, and in particular the issues related to global transitions in health care. In a broader area of workplace communication transitions are typically understood as periods of change and discontinuity in professional life space (e.g. Westerman, 2012: 11). Much has been written about transitions in the workplace, particularly in the contexts of career change, novice-expert experiences, inter-organizational job change, and organizational mergers and acquisitions.

colloquium 'Discourse Theory: Ways Forward'

DESIRE, the centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (http://www.researchcentredesire.eu) is happy to invite you to submit paper proposals for the colloquium 'Discourse Theory: Ways Forward'. The colloquium will take place on 7-8 February 2019 in Brussels. The colloquium starts on Thursday 7 February at 9.00 and ends on Friday 8 February at 17.30.

NORDISCO 2012 Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction

It is our pleasure at Linköping University, Sweden, to host NORDISCO 2012, the second Nordic and Baltic interdisciplinary conference on discourse and interaction on 21-23 November 2012. It is our hope that this conference will give rise to creative synergies and facilitate new networks, crossing both geographical and disciplinary borders.

CfP for "Music and Discourse" panel at CADAAD 2014

The panel is part of the fifth international conference Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD) which will take place at ELTE (Loránd Eötvös University) in Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 September 2014.

The music panel will explore the broad area of music and discourse from a critical-analytical perspective. Papers may wish to explore (but are not limited to) discourses in music in the areas of:

Perspectives on Conflict

The conference organisers of the first Perspectives on Conflict Conference, to be held on Friday 6th June 2014 at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, invite submissions from academics working on the theme of conflict in the areas of law, economics, education and social sciences more generally.

Text and discourse in confrontation in the European context: towards an epistemological and heuristic renewal

Call for papers
Text and discourse in confrontation in the European context: towards an epistemological and heuristic renewal Metz, Lorraine University
15-18 September 2015
Centre de recherche sur les médiations
Driss Ablali, CREM-University of Lorraine
Guy Achard-Bayle, CREM-University of Lorraine
Laurent Perrin, Ceditec-University Paris Est Créteil Paris 12
Sandrine Reboul-Touré, Clesthia-University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Malika Temmar, University of Amiens/Ceditec-University Paris Est Créteil Paris 12