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BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group Conference: Contemporary Theories of Race, Racism and Ethnicity

The idea for this conference arose from a discussion at the BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group business meeting at the annual conference in 2013. Our aim is to bring to light the diverse range of theoretical work that is being developed and to consider how the theory is brought to bear on current issues of race, racism and ethnicity.

Papers are invited that both explore contemporary theoretical debates and consider the ways in which diverse theoretical frameworks are deployed in specific areas of study. Paper topics include, but are not restricted to, the following themes:

Perspectives on Conflict

The conference organisers of the first Perspectives on Conflict Conference, to be held on Friday 6th June 2014 at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, invite submissions from academics working on the theme of conflict in the areas of law, economics, education and social sciences more generally.

Text and discourse in confrontation in the European context: towards an epistemological and heuristic renewal

Call for papers
Text and discourse in confrontation in the European context: towards an epistemological and heuristic renewal Metz, Lorraine University
15-18 September 2015
Centre de recherche sur les médiations
Driss Ablali, CREM-University of Lorraine
Guy Achard-Bayle, CREM-University of Lorraine
Laurent Perrin, Ceditec-University Paris Est Créteil Paris 12
Sandrine Reboul-Touré, Clesthia-University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Malika Temmar, University of Amiens/Ceditec-University Paris Est Créteil Paris 12


In the wake of the international symposia at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in 1997, 2002 and 2008, and so many other important events organized by several Brazilian and foreign research teams which consolidate Discourse Analysis as a discipline, the IV International Symposium on Discourse Analysis, an initiative of the Discourse Analysis Nucleus (NAD) of the Faculty of Language and Literature of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, intends once more to be a space for debates and discussions between Brazilian and foreign professors, researchers, undergraduate and post-graduate

*CFP Extension* Criticality in Education (Research): Definitions, Discourses and Controversies

CFP: International conference,
University of Helsinki, Finland
31 August-1st September 2017

Criticality in Education (Research):
Definitions, Discourses and Controversies

“I and my public understand each other very well: It does not hear what I say, and I don’t say what it wants to hear.” (Karl Kraus)

“A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.”
(Confucius, The Analects, Ch. 14)

Political Discourse - Multidisciplinary Approaches #2: New discourses of populism and nationalism

Since the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and the rise of Trump, Orbán and Le Pen, to name but a few, ‘populism’ has re-emerged as a common keyword in international news coverage. This term has become highly contested, often used to stigmatise political opponents. The current conflation of new right-wing politics with ‘populism’ backgrounds leftist mass movements such as Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain, despite a rich history of left wing populism.

Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of Desire

Nikita Dhawan (Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial
Studies [FRCPS], Excellence Cluster "Formation of Normative Orders"
Goethe-University Frankfurt), Antke Engel (Institute for Queer Theory,
Berlin/Hamburg), Christoph Holzhey (ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural
Inquiry), Volker Woltersdorff (SFB "Cultures of the Performative", FU
Berlin), Berlin

Confirmed Speakers: Lisa Duggan, Kevin Floyd, Josephine Ho, Ratna Kapur,
Desiree Lewis, Anne McClintock, Donald Morton

Media and media practices in minority and competitive contexts: From local to global

Few studies have been conducted on the topic of media in minority context. However, in
today’s plurilingual and multicultural societies, their role in the functioning of democracy
and in the construction of minorities’ cultural identities is crucial. These media are both
channels of communication and gathering places or common areas for communities. By
connecting individuals who share the same language, these media reinforce solidarity
within minority groups as well as their cultural identity, both at the local and global levels.

Creating Publics, Creating Democracies

That there is a relationship between publicness and democracy has often been taken for granted. However, at this time of widespread instability, political upheaval and experimentation, when publics are increasingly being called upon to act, it is sometimes in the name of democracy, but not always. By exploring how ideas and practices of publicness and democracy are being constituted, enacted, related and reconfigured in different settings, this workshop aims to investigate the modes of public action and democracy being invoked, imagined and struggled over around the world.