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Change and Innovation in the MENA Teaching/Learning Settings: Resistance or Receptivity

Call for Papers
Annual Conference of the Faculty of Humanities at Tunis in partnership with TESOL Arabia

Conference Theme:
Change and Innovation in the MENA Teaching/Learning Settings: Resistance or Receptivity

Dates and venue: 29-30 April 2016, Faculty of Humanities, Tunis, Tunisia

Multimodal and mediated discourse analysis - 2nd HKU PhD conference in Sociolinguistics

This conference aims to put Hong Kong and international postgraduate researchers into a dialogue around their current work on all aspects of Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis with a special focus on Multimodality and Mediation. The conference will include plenary lectures and workshops with two leading scholars in the fields of Multimodality and Mediated Discourse Analysis.

Fourth International Conference dedicated to Jürgen Habermas DISCOURSOLOGY: METHODS, THEORY, PRACTICE

Submitted by on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

“International Academy of Discourse Researchers”, IADR The Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the RAS Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ural State University Humanitarian University Sverdlovsk Region Government Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Ural State University of Communications Tyumen State University South Ural State University Yekaterinburg Academy of Modern Art The “Discourse P” Publishing House CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Fourth International Conference dedicated to Jürgen Habermas DISCOURSOLOGY: METHODS, THEORY, PRACTICE to be

Life Writing and Intimate Publics -- 7th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association Conference

The Centre for Life History and Life Writing Research and the International Auto/Biography Association invite scholars and life writers to attend the 7th IABA conference, at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England.

Making Sense of Catastrophe: Postcolonial Approaches to Postsocialist Experiences

Moving from adolescence to adulthood, the postsocialist world is
undergoing multi-directional transformations that would have seemed
unbelievable twenty years ago. Bustling economic development combines
with corruption, violence, and cynicism, which reign over the
postsocialist space. Three causal schemes compete to explain this
large-scale process. One derives the postsocialist present from the
legacies of the Soviet past. Another ascribes responsibility to the
global crisis of the traditional West. A third episteme draws on

13th International Pragmatics Conference

All info and call for papers at http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.CONFERENCE13&n=1438.

Note the deadlines:

- 15 June 2012 for early submission of panel proposals (allowing for revision if necessary)
- 15 September 2012, final deadline for panel proposals
- 1 November 2012, deadline for panel contributions, lectures, and posters

Please read the instructions in the ´Call for papers´ carefully well in advance of the deadlines.

Rethinking the mediatization of politics: Politics and policy, government and governmentality, citizenship and activism

Workshop of the ECREA TWG Mediatization

The mediatization of politics was the very beginning of mediatization research: In the 1990s and the years following, mediatization was mainly discussed as the adaptation of ‘media rules’ or ‘journalistic logics’ to the field of politics. Following this, most of the early theorising of mediatization was related to this kind of research. However, since then the field of mediatization research has opened widely. This makes it possible to rethink the mediatization of politics in a wider frame than previously possible.

Warwick International Postgraduate Conference. Centre for Applied Linguistics

The Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce its 17th
Postgraduate Conference on Tuesday, 24th and Wednesday, 25th June 2014. The postgraduate
conference covers a wide range of topics including language teaching, intercultural
communication, and academic or political discourse. The aim of the conference is to provide
postgraduate students with the opportunity to present their research, to attend experts’
keynote presentations, to meet peers who engage in similar research activities and to get