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Jadt 2010. 10th International Conference On Statistical Analysis of Textual Dara

This biennial conference, which has constantly been gaining importance since its first occurrence in Barcelone (1990), is open to all scholars and researchers working in the field of textual data analysis; ranging from lexicography to the analysis of political discourse, from information retrieval to marketing research, from computational linguistics to sociolinguistics, from text mining to content analysis.

CLAVIER 11 Conference Tracking Language Change in Specialised and Professional Genres

The nature of genres has always been defined as both static and dynamic, functioning as discursive action within particular social, historical and cultural contexts but open to individual and collective creativity and innovation. Corpora can be powerful tools in tracking this kind of change, as clearly shown by a well-established tradition in historical linguistics, where growing interest has been shown in the diachronic analysis of specialized genres. Elements of change, however, can also be seen at work in contemporary discourse.

NORDISCO 2012. Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction

The abstract submission to NORDISCO 2012 is now open! Due to technical problems with the registration system, we decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions. The new deadline for abstract submissions is 30 March 2012.

Welcome to submit your abstract on our website: www.liu.se/ikk/nordisco

We hope to see you in Linköping!

The NORDISCO 2012 Organising Committee


From July 1 to July 4, 2014, the 8th Conference of the International
Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) will be held at the
University of Amsterdam. The aim of the conference is to draw together
scholars from a variety of disciplines that are working in the field
of argumentation theory.

The keynote speakers are:

Frans H. van Eemeren (University of Amsterdam & ILIAS)
J. Anthony Blair (University of Windsor)
Jeanne Fahnestock (University of Maryland)

Language as a constitutive element of a gendered society. Developments, perspectives, and possibilities in the Slavic languages

After a somewhat restrained start, linguistic gender studies have evolved into a permanent part of the curriculum in Slavonic linguistics. They have been fueled by sociopolitical developments in post-socialist countries since the end of communism; they have been, and continue to be, influenced substantially by American and Western European gender studies to this date. The conference "Language as a constitutive element of a gendered society.

14th International Pragmatics Conference

This is just to remind you that the first deadline for the 14th International Pragmatics Conference (Antwerp, Belgium, July 26-31 2015) is approaching:

- The deadline for panel proposals: 1 June 2014 (unlike on earlier occasions, there is no second round).

- Contributions to accepted panels, and individual submissions for posters and lectures must be sent in by 15 October 2014

BreMM15: Second International Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Multimodal Research. Interdisciplinary Conference at Bremen University, Germany, 21-22 September 2015.

Multimodality is one of the most influential semiotic theories for analyzing media artefacts nowadays, and it enjoys growing popularity globally. However, this popularity does not imply universality: the empirical application and even the conceptual anchoring of multimodality often remain nationally and regionally grounded. Definitions of modality and even mediality thus differ from each other in terms of their starting points. From a German national perspective, language remains the main point of description.

How to act together: From collective engagement to protest

3rd International conference of the Group for Social Engagement Studies
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

***How to act together: From collective engagement to protest***

Belgrade, November 19-21, 2015

Keynote speaker: Judith Butler


The conference will explore the broad issue of action – in its various sociological and philosophical traditions – and the particular question of collective engagement in its contemporary forms of protest assemblies.

DiscourseNet Congress #2 (DNC 2) - Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies: Theory and Practice

While ‘discourse’ has long been an object of investigation in many disciplines, the contours of a new field of transdisciplinary research are now coming to the fore: Discourse Studies. Known for theoretical orientations and methodological tools at the intersection of language and society, discourse research usually deals with social phenomena with a particular focus on the entanglements of power and language.

Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication

Call for Papers
ESTIDIA (European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue)

4th ESTIDIA Conference
Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication
29-30 September 2017

Faculty of Philosophy
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”
Sofia, Bulgaria

in partnership with

Institute of Rhetoric and Communications, Sofia
Centre for New Media and Transdisciplinary Dialogue, Constanţa

Conference Venue