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Language, Discourse and Mass Media (GT2)

Los medios de comunicación cumplen un rol destacado en la producción y circulación de discursos. Estos discursos, por su alcance espacial y temporal, ayudan a la conformación de opiniones, actitudes, ideologías y representaciones socioculturales que -en cierta medida- median nuestra interpretación de la realidad social. En este sentido, el estudio del lenguaje verbal (y de otros lenguajes no-verbales) en los medios de comunicación es de especial interés a varias disciplinas sociales y críticas.

International Gender And Language Association conference (IGALA 6)

Proposals for paper presentations (individual and panel), posters and workshop sessions are invited on any aspects of gender and language analysis from a variety of fields, including bilingualism, communication studies, conversation analysis, cultural studies, discourse analysis, language acquisition, linguistic anthropology, media studies, multicultural studies, multilingualism, queer studies, second language teaching, sociolinguistics, and other related fields and disciplines.

11th Essex Conference in Critical Political Theory: Global challenges - New imaginaries. Image, Voice, and Radical Democracy

Few doubt, today, that we face a series of connected global challenges: the dangers of climate change and environmental degradation; a crisis of international finance and global capitalism; an ever-increasing logic of minoritization, which threatens to fragment communities and societies; greater social and economic inequalities, both nationally and globally; the intensification of various forms of religious belief, including fundamentalism, alongside a growing secularization of communities and societies; securitization of society, and a palpable disillusionment with politics and politicians

The discourse of austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines

Please submit abstracts by June 21st to: Darren.kelsey@ncl.ac.uk

Conference convenors:
Dr Darren Kelsey, Lecturer in Journalism, Newcastle University
Professor Andrea Whittle, Professor of Management and Organization Studies, Newcastle University
Professor Frank Mueller, Professor of Strategy & International Business, Newcastle University
Dr Majid KhosraviNik, Lecturer in Mass Communication and Critical Discourse Analysis, Northumbria University

In the Frame? Public and Political Discourses of Migration

Public and political discourses on the matter of inward and outward
migration are of crucial importance, as they are responsible for
framing the issue, and for how, when, and where these issues arrive on
the public / political spectrum (Schain 2008, p.465). As a result such
discourses have substantial influence over the general public’s
attitudes towards migration (McLaren, 2001) and for migrant’s

In this interdisciplinary conference, we particularly welcome papers
that address the following:

EAST – WEST EUROPEAN FORUM ON DISCOURSE: Talking ‘discourse’ in European linguistics: past, present and future

The organizers of this conference invite scholars working in various realms of discourse research, ranging from textology and linguistics of discourse, through discourse analysis to (interdisciplinary) critical discourse studies. Our key purpose is to explore the various ways of doing discourse analysis, historically and presently.

The main topics include:

GlobE 2015: EAST – WEST EUROPEAN FORUM ON DISCOURSE – Talking ‘discourse’ in European linguistics: past, present and future

The organizers of this conference invite scholars working in various realms of discourse research, ranging from textology and linguistics of discourse, through discourse analysis to (interdisciplinary) critical discourse studies. Our key purpose is to explore the various ways of doing discourse analysis, historically and presently.

The main topics include: