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BASEES Postgraduate Conference: "Modernity"

Thu, 01/23/2014
Registration deadline

This workshop is designed to bring together postgraduate research students to explore ideas relating to critical approaches to concepts of ‘modernity’ in the
context of former Soviet and Central East European state-socialist countries.

We welcome applications from a wide range of (inter)disciplinary backgrounds, including, but not limited to: sociology, history, politics, geography and linguistics. We are particularly interested in ideas and practices relating to ‘modernity’, and interpretations of how modernities may shape understandings of and responses to processes of economic crisis, consumerism, extremism, apathy, gender, protest, media, unemployment, sexualities, culture, technological change, violence, migration and borders.

For example, recent historical debates have looked to chart the ways in which Russian and other East European societies can be said to have ‘traversed the terrain of modernity’ during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Discussions on more contemporary issues have examined how in Russia and other post-Soviet countries, concepts of modernity and progress are being re-examined in the light of shifting patterns of globalisation, renewed religiosity, individualisation and political activism. The European Union continues to define itself as an institution which offers ‘progress’ to former state-socialist countries via ‘transition’ to market-based democracy.

This workshop will provide a supportive space for both early stage and advanced postgraduate researchers to consider theoretical issues raised by the term ‘modernity’ in the context of their own research development.

Please send abstracts (max 200 words), including details of institutional affiliation, to Amy Watson a.watson.2@research.gla.ac.uk.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday 29th November 2013.

Papers will be 15 minutes long. Some funding for travel or accommodation costs will be available, so please state in your application if you require this.