The research project “The Therapeutic Game” (PI Stefan Rinner) funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and based at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen is organising an interdisciplinary two-day online conference on questions regarding language and its use in psychotherapeutic settings, to be held via Zoom on May 15 and 16. Our goal is to bring together researchers interested in this topic from different fields, including philosophy, linguistics, psychology, psychiatry, communication studies, and sociology. We invite submissions of abstracts for presentations by researchers from all career stages, including graduate students. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- features and functions of therapeutic speech and conversations
- linguistic models and explanations of the various functions and effects of therapeutic speech
- application of tools or models developed in other areas of research to therapeutic speech
- similarities between therapeutic speech and other socially relevant kinds of speech (e.g., hate speech and political speech)
The conference language will be English.
The deadline for submission is February 28 2025. Please see our CfA for further details.