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International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies CALL FOR EDITORIAL MEMBERS



  • If inter-disciplinary research between discourse analysis/semiotics and marketing lies within your focal areas and you are committed to contribute substantially to this burgeoning stream, then you are welcome to join the Editorial team at the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies.
  • Facts & Figures
    • Established in 2012 and 6 volumes, 10000 unique visitors down the line, IJMS&DS is currently the only journal that targets narrowly the research community that looks into ways of advancing inter-disciplinary research between marketing and semiotic/discourse analytic perspectives.
    • Listed with SCOPUS ever since Vol.III
    • With a vibrant Facebook community where news, reading materials and useful content are regularly posted
    • Recognized by both the marketing and semiotics research communities
  • Send your bio note / CV (email: georgerossolatos123@gmail.com) and a link to your research, and become part of a rapidly growing community of researchers. 


The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotic/discourse analytic research streams, spanning:

- Conceptual approaches and empirical research across the 5 P's by drawing on different semiotic (post-structuralist, sociosemiotic, Peircean, structuralist, cultural, textual, visual, multimodal) and discourse analytic (CDA, DHA) perspectives.

- Consumer cultural theory and research

            - Cultural experiences, artefacts, practices, spectacles

            - In virtual, ‘real’, hyperreal environments

            - In individual or community settings

- Methodological frameworks for conducting research into product/service/retail branding, brand identity development, brand equity, packaging design, competitive packaging analysis, new product development, pricing, advertising, IMC development and competitive analysis, consumer behavior (offline and online).

- Comparing and contrasting existing marketing research conceptual and methodological frameworks with discourse analytic/semiotic ones.

- Cross-disciplinary approaches on marketing research issues that combine discourse analysis and semiotics with perspectives from the social sciences and the humanities, such as anthropology, literary studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology, rhetoric, sociology.