Université Paul-Valéry

International Conference
Submission deadline: Friday, July 3th 2020
Conference in digital humanities and digital studies
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III
December 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2020
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France)
Campus Tech (France)
King’s College London (United Kingdom)
Digital Humanities Institute-University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austria)
Université de Pise (Italy)
Université de Caldas à Manizales (Colombia)
Université de Piura à Lima (Peru)
Académie Africaine de Recherches et d'Études Francophones (ACAREF) – Bureau Afrique Togo
In partnership with the scientific journal Études Digitales
Scientific coordination:
François Perea, Albin Wagener et Jérémi Sauvage
Btihaj Ajana, Michael Pidd, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
The Conference in Digital Humanities and Digital Studies aims to deliver a unique interdisciplinary scientific event in this burgeoning field, bringing together scholars and practitioners interested in these developments. The conference is an opportunity to foster a dynamic dialogue between the large environment of the digital humanities and the various scientific organizations and fields of digital studies. To this end, the event will provide a platform to explore possible collective projects and assess the actual and potential impacts of digital humanities and digital studies on education, research and practice. We believe in the need to work on collective definitions of digital humanities and digital studies, and foresee their developments and directions over the next few years.
Literature, linguistics, arts as well as social sciences, all with their own references and disciplinary roots, have experienced crucial digital changes regarding their practice and objects of research and study. The impacts of these digital changes come in various formats and offer new questions to scholars. These questions particularly embed methodologies and devices (regarding humanities computing, for instance), political definitions of a free, open and sustainable knowledge sharing (“Digital Humanities” Manifesto, THATCamp, Paris 2010), as well as the place of digital technologies in the future of mankind and the future of knowledge and learning (Call for Digital Studies, https://digital-studies.org/wp/appel-aux-etudes-numeriques).
In this regard, we can assess that the field of research and practice is really broad and proposes porous and flexible limits and conceptualizations, with definitions that remain unstabilized (Bigot et al., 2016). Digital humanities, cultural analytics as well as digital studies are all part of a large galaxy, or ‘big tent’ (Pannapacker 2011).
The aim of this conference is to foster interactions between scholars and professionals that are working in the field of digital humanities and digital studies. This event should allow for diverse actors to interact, experience and learn from multiple viewpoints under interdisciplinary perspectives. In terms of definitions, we find the concepts of digital humanities and digital studies to be explored as a positive crossroad between digital humanities in the northern-european tradition and the ‘humanités numérique’ French view of the term. Our wish is not to separate, divide or question digital humanities as small parts of larger disciplinary territories, but to open up and stimulate potentialities and evolutions linked to digital humanities. Moreover, the conference will foster interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialogue, in order to re-invent the foundations of traditional humanities and for putting back society at the heart of the analysis of this contemporary subject.
Digital humanities and digital studies both rely on various domains and research fields; thus, scientific dialogue as well as epistemological and pragmatic open-mindedness cannot be overlooked. Authors will be able to submit papers linked to the following topics-and more:
- Discourse, language, semiotics, communication, media, social networks;
- Devices, technical creations, engineering, circulation of information, smart cities, ergonomic design;
- Instrumentation, tools, research methodology;
- Transmission, teaching, education, andragogy, acculturation and use;
- Culture, arts, graphic design, audio-visual creation, tourism, experience design;
- Marketing, business, management, trade, finances;
- Politics, law, democracy, public policy;
- Social sciences, psychology, sociology, health, care, social security;
- Ecology, sustainability, circular economy, blue economy.
This conference addresses questions rooted in clear methodological and theoretical goals:
- Building a national and international cartography of both scientific and professional practices regarding digital humanities, especially in terms of applied and fundamental research linked to the professional worlds; in collaboration or in complementarity with existing maps
- Stimulating disciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions and encouraging the constitution of a strong research and teaching networks in France, in order to highlight works and studies and to foster educational and epistemological exchanges;
- Although we are aware that there are already national and inter-national associations devoted to the DH, we believe that the link between study and society should be discussed with them in order to encourage a better and stronger dialogue among national and international communities and with society at large. The aim is, as such, to encouraging the constitution of national and international communities that will be able to create collective projects in digital humanities and digital studies: this will act as an incentive for the structuring of this interdisciplinary field, its national recognition and the strengthening of fruitful dialogue with the professional world.
Submitted papers will be published, based on their quality and the possibilities of publication. Some of them will be published in a special issue of the journal Études Digitales.
Papers submitted for this conference will have to address a research question in a coherent manner: the research question itself and its relevance regarding digital humanities, analyzed data and/or corpora, as well as methodological and epistemological references. Case studies are not excluded a priori, yet authors will need to clearly show how these studies are linked to theory and general issues. Professional innovation and experimentation are also welcome.
Submissions comprise: the title of the paper, five keywords, a summary of 800 words and a list of bibliographic references. The identity and affiliation of authors will not appear in the document, yet will be highlighted in the e-mail sent to the organizing committee.
Papers may be submitted in french or english.
Papers must be submitted before July 3rd 2020 and sent by e-mail to : albin.wagener@campustech.fr, jeremi.sauvage@univ-montp3.fr and francois.perea@univ-montp3.fr
Scientific committee:
Koffi Ganyo Agbefle, AGBEFLE-ACAREF / Bureau Afrique & Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Btihaj Ajana, King’s College of London, Great Britain
Nathalie Auger, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, France
Jean-Jacques Boutaud, Université de Bourgogne, France
Franck Cormerais, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Laurent Gautier, Université de Bourgogne, France
Monika Kopytowska, Université de Lodz, Poland
Lotta Lehti, Université de Helsinki, Finland
Julien Longhi, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
François Perea, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, France
Enrica Salvatori, Università di Pisa, Italy
Jérémi Sauvage, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, France
Peter Stockinger, INALCO, France
Albin Wagener, Campus Tech, Angers, France
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Anduiza, E., Jensen, M. & Jorba, L. (2012). Digital media and political engagement worldwide. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Anquetil, S., Duteil-Mougel, C. & Lloveria, V. (2019). Le sens des données. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Antonijevic, S. (2015). Amongst digital humanists. An ethnographic study of digital knowledge production. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Berry, D. (2012). Understanding digital humanities. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Berry, D. & Fagerjord, A. (2017). Digital Humanities. Knowledge and critique in a digital age. London : Polity Press.
Bigot, J.-E., Julliard, V. & Mabi, C. (2016). ‘Humanités numériques’, Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 8.
Bollmer, G. (2018). Theorizing digital cultures. London : Sage.
Boullier, D. (2019). Sociologie du numérique. 2ème édition. Paris : Armand Colin.
Bouquillion, P. & Moreau, F. (2018). Digital platforms and cultural industries. Bruxelles : Peter Lang.
Boyd, D. & Larson, M. (2014). Oral history and digital humanities : voice, access, and engagement. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Brossaud, C. & Reber, B. (2007). Humanités numériques 1 : Nouvelles technologies cognitives et épistémologie. Paris : Hermès Science Publications.
Burdick, A., Drucker, J., Lunenfeld, P., Presner, T. & Schnapp, J. (2012). Digital Humanities. Cambridge : MIT Press.
Canu, R., Chaulet, J., Datchary, C. & Figeac, J. (2018). Critiques du numérique. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Carroll, B. (2010). Writing and editing for digital media. London : Routledge.
Cavalié, E., Clavert, F., Legendre, O. & Martin, D. (2018). Expérimenter les humanités numériques : des outils individuels au cœur de projets collectifs. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Dobson, A., Robard, B. & Carah, N. (2018). Digital intimate publics and social media. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Dobson, J. (2019). Critical digital humanities : the search for a methodology. Champaign : University of Illinois Press.
Dudeney, G., Hockly, N. & Pegrum, M. (2013). Digital literacies. London : Routledge.
Fourmentraux, J.-P. (2012). L’ère post-média. Humanités digitales et cultures numériques. Paris : Hermann.
Gardiner, E. & Musto, R. (2015). The Digital Humanities. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Gold, M. & Klein, L. (2019). Debates in the digital humanities. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
Gunkel, D. (2018). Gaming the system. Deconstructing video games, games studies, and virtual worlds. Bloomington : Indiana University Press.
Hoskins, A. (2017). Digital memory studies. Media pasts in transition. London : Routledge.
Ievenberg, I., Neilson, T. & Rheams, D. (2018). Research methods for the digital humanities. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Kotras, B. (2018). La voix du web. Nouveaux régimes de l’opinion sur internet. Paris : Seuil.
Le Deuff, O. (2011). La formation aux cultures numériques. Une nouvelle pédagogie pour une culture de l’information à l’heure du numérique. Paris : Fyp Editions.
Le Deuff, O. (2014). Le temps des humanités digitales. Paris : Fyp Editions.
Lindgren, S. (2017). Digital media and society. London : Sage.
Liu, Y. & Picard, R. (2014). Policy and marketing strategies for digital media. London : Routledge.
Longhi, J. & Weber, J. (2017). La communication numérique, du code à l’information. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Mandiberg, M. (2012). The Social Media Reader. New York : New York University Press.
Mondoux, A. & Ménard, M. (2018). Big data et société. Industrialisation des médiations symboliques. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Mounier, P. (2018). Les humanités numériques. Paris : Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Editions.
Pannapacker, W. (2011). ‘Big Tent Digital Humanities’, The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 31st 2011.
Parry, R. (2010). Museums in a digital age. London : Routledge.
Peters, B. (2016). Digital Keywords. A vocabulary of information, society and culture. Princeton : Princeton University Press.
Powell, A. & Henry, N. (2017). Sexual violence in a digital age. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Proulx, S., Millette, M. & Heaton, L. (2012). Médias sociaux. Enjeux pour la communication. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Raine, L. & Wellman, B. (2012). Networked. The new social operating system. Cambridge : MIT Press.
Sayers, J. (2018). The Routledge companion to media studies and digital humanities. London : Routledge.
Schreibman, S., Siemens, R. & Unsworth, J. (2016). A new companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell.
Shields Dobson, A. (2015). Postfeminist digital cultures : femininity, social media, and self-representation. London : Palgrave MacMillan.
Shifman, L. (2014). Memes in digital culture. Cambridge : MIT Press.
Stiegler, B. (2014). Digital Studies. Organologie des savoirs et technologies de la connaissance. Paris : Fyp Editions.
Stiegler, B. (2018). La vérité du numérique. Recherche et enseignement supérieur à l’ère des technologies numériques. Paris : Fyp Editions.
Underwood, T. (2019). Distant horizons. Digital evidence and literary change. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
Wiesinger, S. & Beliveau, R. (2016). Digital literacy. A primer on media, identity, and the evolution of technology. New York : Peter Lang.
Wigham, C. & Ledegen, G. (2017). Corpus de communication médiée par les réseaux : construction, structuration, analyse. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Manifeste des « Digital Humanities » (THATCamp 2010, Paris)
Non-actes de la non-conférence des humanités numériques (THATCamp 2010, Paris)
Introduction à la visualisation des données : l’analyse de réseau en histoire (Martin Grandjean, Université de Lausanne)
Design & Digital Humanities (THATCamp 2015)
Projet Nexus – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III
Huma-Num (TGIR des Humanités Numériques)
HELDIG (Université de Helsinki)
EADH (European Association for Digital Humanities)
Department of Digital Humanities (King’s College London)
MetaLab (Harvard University)
Institut des Humanités Numériques (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Digital Humanities at Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)
Digital Humanities at Orange Labs (Orange)
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN)
Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities (Universität Leipzig)
Austrian Center for Digital Humanities (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France)
Campus Tech (France)
King’s College London (United Kingdom)
Digital Humanities Institute-University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austria)
Université de Pise (Italy)
Université de Caldas à Manizales (Colombia)
Université de Piura à Lima (Peru)
Académie Africaine de Recherches et d'Études Francophones (ACAREF) – Bureau Afrique Togo
In partnership with the scientific journal Études Digitales
Scientific coordination:
François Perea, Albin Wagener et Jérémi Sauvage
Btihaj Ajana, Michael Pidd, Eveline Wandl-Vogt