Discourses and Dispositifs of Covid-19 Pandemic. How to Make Sense of a Global Crisis?
11.7.20 at 12.00 (CEST, Zoom)
U P D A T E 1
The program for Part 1 of #DNACVD19 eWorkshop is ready! Please have a look and prepare for the discussion!
U P D A T E 2
Because of the large number of applications, we decided to open up also the September session of our #DNACVD19 eWorkshop.
The Call
The corona crisis is a discursive phenomenon. Representatives of states, institutions and organisations, actors such as journalists, politicians, medical professionals, scientists, economists and laymen are all discussing the pandemic in their own terms. Its meaning is negotiated every day in different arenas of language production and various means of communication. Against this background, discourse researchers are charged both with unraveling the discursive practices by which actors make sense of the current pandemic and with analyzing which new societal realities are entailed in such discourses.
DiscourseNet Association Covid19 e-Workshop (#DNACVD19) therefore seeks to collect ideas, reflections and discussions on the multiple aspects of the ongoing corona crisis from the perspective of discourse research and discourse theory.
Please submit until 3.7.2020 a short working paper (approx. 1000-3000 words) that takes empirical, ethical, psychoanalytical, economic, political, (inter)cultural, philosophical, judicial and/or everyday aspects of the pandemic as starting point for elaborating discourse analytical research ideas and reflections which can be further developed into full research papers. In order to allow a lively and productive discussion, each contributing participant or group is expected to prepare a 5 minute introduction to their paper and a 5 minute reaction to at least one other paper, so that every paper will receive two critical comments from other participants. After you submit your paper, the conference team will assign two commentators to you and a paper for you to comment on. Send your paper to: dncoronaproject19@gmail.com.
We offer the possibility of publishing your working paper in the DN Collaborative Working Paper Series (DNCWPS) Special Issue on the Corona Crisis. DNCWPS provides a space for the discussion and publication of first preliminary ideas, analysis and concepts on the topic. We further plan to prepare a volume or a special issue on the corona discourse where your finalized papers can be published.
The list of topics may include, but is in no way restricted to the following:
Media Discourses of Corona Crisis
How did the media handle the corona pandemic, was the mainstream media tenor supporting the circulation of fake news and how conspiracy theories are dominating the mediascape and social networks?
Expert Discourses of Pandemic Management
Every discourse domain has its own representation of corona pandemic – the discursive negotiation between politicians, medical and economic (and other) experts is a process which results in the final policy and official measures against the pandemic.
Language of Pandemic
In many languages the same metaphors are used for measures the societies undertake to defend themselves from the pandemic. What are the tendencies and how is the understanding of pandemic determined on a cognitive, argumentative, rhetorical, lexical, grammatical or discursive level?
Narratives of Heroes and Villains
International relations were in turmoil even before the corona crisis. It seems that the global pandemic has driven old rivalry to a new level, helped new alliances and broke some of the old ones. What kind of discursive and/or dispositif change takes place on a global level because of the corona pandemic?
After the e-Workshop:
We would like this workshop to be a starting point, not a singular event. This is why we would like to have a follow-up "after Covid-19" to see how our work has developed. Through these events we are creating opportunities to find possible research partners or just someone to exchange ideas with. If you want to participate in ongoing DiscourseNet activities on this or other topics, if you are preparing a project and want to discuss it with fellow discourse researchers, please feel free to contact us.
DNACVD19 Group: https://discourseanalysis.net/en/C19dskrs.
Jan Krasni (Cultural Trends Lab, University of Tyumen, Russia)
Michael Kranert (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
Jens Maesse (University of Giessen, Germany)
David Adler (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Elena Psyllakou (National Center for Social Research—EKKE, Greece)