Switch Language
Luca Greco

Université de Lorraine
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I received my B.A. (Laurea) from the University of Pisa (Italie) in Social Psychology and my PhD in Linguistics from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS Paris). After being associate professor of Sociolinguistics at the University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle from 2003 to 2018, I was appointed as full professor in sociolinguistics at the Université de Lorraine, Metz, in 2018.
Over the years, I spent fruitful research periods as visiting scholar at NYU (2010) and UCLA (2014), and as invited professor at the universities of Guanajuato (2006), La Sapienza Roma (2015), Sao Paulo (2017), Campinas, Palmas, Cascavel (2018) in Brazil. During the academic years 2014-2016, I was appointed by the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales as « chargé de conférence » for a seminar on gender, performance and language.
I was research fellow at ICAR Lab CNRS based at ENS in Lyon with a project on "Touching the body in interaction" (2016-2017). I was scientific curator for a Conteporary Art Festival "Assemblaggi Provvisori/Provisional Assemblages" from March 2016-June 2017 at the Scompiglio in Italy (Vorno), and I participated as a perfomer in "1000" a performance of Jérôme Bel at the Musée d'Art Moderne in 2015 in Paris and in "Ai bordi del cammino" a performance of Serge Cartellier at the "Lo Scompiglio" an Italian Contemporary Art Center in 2016.
After a 1 year transitional overlap with Josiane Boutet (2017-2018), I became editor of Langage et Société (https://langage-et-societe.fr/) a leading journal in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis in francophone area.
My research is inspired by several theoretical approaches : linguistic anthropology, ethnomethodology, multimodality and gender and queer studies. I conducted fieldworks in various sites such as Gay and Lesbian Parentings Associations [The discursive construction of desire of being parents in gay and lesbian couples], Drag King Workshops [The multimodal construction of queer masculinities in drag king workshops], ultrasound examinations with pregnant women [The announcement and the multimodal construction of sex in ultrasound exams] and in different workplace settings.
My research explores the interface between language, gender and sexuality and the intertwinings between bodily, linguage and artefactual materialities in social practices. Within this general scope, I have developed several main strands of research:
(1) gender, multimodality and multisensoriality; (2) performance in social sciences, contemporary art and in everyday activities ; (3) entangled temporalities and spatialities in social interactions (4) ethnography as a reflexive and as a discursive event; (5) borders in action.