Switch Language
Stefania Maci

University of Bergamo
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Stefania M. Maci is Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at the University of Bergamo - Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
She is currently involved in national and international research projects on academic English and legal discourse genres, with particular regard to:
• Medical Discourse (Medical poster presentations; Metadiscursive and argumentative strategies of medical English across genres and cultures; evidentiality).
• Tourism discourses (Promotional and specialised traits in English for tourism; The web-language of tourism; Legal and managerial linguistic aspects in specialised tourism texts).
• Legal Language (Italian and English arbitral awards; Witness hearings in arbitral awards; Plain language movement).
Recent publications include: the monographs Evidentiality in the genre of medical posters (2022) and English Tourism Discourse (2020); the co-edited volumes Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities (2022), The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Communication (2022); Metadiscourse in Digital Communication (2021); and the papers “Data triangulation using Sketch Engine and WMatrix: Ketogenic diet on Twitter” (2022); “The narrative of the anti-vax campaign on Twitter” (2021); and “Parents’ narrative about congenital heart diseases” (2019).
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere.
Piazza Rosate 2
24129 Bergamo, Italy
Ph: and Fax: ++39 (0)35 2052-746
e-mail: stefania.maci@unibg.it
Skype: stefania maci
English for Specific Purposes, medical discourse, tourism discourse, Academic discourse, legal discourse, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, Evidentiality, Media Studies, multimodality and socio-semiotics