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Author | Title | Year | Type | Publisher | Pages |
Yannik Porsché | Reluctant collaboration in community policing. How police team up with youth prior to 1st of May demonstrations in Germany | 2021 | 17 | ||
Júlio Santos | The role of intellectuals in times of a global pandemic: Understanding Noam Chomsky’s political activism | 2020 | |||
Ariella Lahav | The COVID-19 Pandemic as Deus-Ex- Machina on the Israeli Political Stage? The Early Pandemic Speeches of Benjamin Netanyahu | 2020 | |||
Jaime Júnior | The transmediatisation of COVID-19 in Brazil: Theoretical reflexions on the communication of the pandemic across media spaces to make visible (bio-/geo-)political repertoires of (re-)interpretation | 2020 | |||
Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg, Stefan Bernhard | Charting Transnational Fields. Methodology for a Political Sociology of Knowledge | 2020 | Routledge | ||
Yasemin Erdogan-Ozturk, Hale Isik-Guler | Discourses of Exclusion on Twitter in the Turkish Context: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry) | 2020 | |||
Shara Lopes, Pedro Queiroz | Disrupting the media discourse: an analysis of the announcement of the Brazilian media consortium during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2020 | |||
George Rossolatos | A brand storytelling approach to Covid-19’s terrorealization: Cartographing the narrative space of a global pandemic | 2020 | |||
Ricardo-María Jiménez | Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional | 2020 | EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra | 338 | |
Helena Ostrowicka, Łukasz Stankiewicz | The truths of business and the lies of academia: the order of discourse on higher education in Poland | 2019 | |||
Helena Ostrowicka, Justyna Spychalska-Stasiak, Łukasz Stankiewicz | The Dispositif of the University Reform. The Higher Education Policy Discourse in Poland. | 2020 | Routledge | 156 | |
Helena Ostrowicka | Regulating Social Life: Discourses on the Youth and the Dispositif of Age | 2019 | Palgrave Macmillan | 172 | |
Douifi Mohamed | Language and the Complex of Ideology | 2018 | Palgrave Macmillan | 221 | |
Sybille de Buitrago | Visualisationand Knowledge Production in International Relations: The Role of Emotions and Identity | 2019 | |||
Sybille de Buitrago | Risk Representations and Confrontational Actions in the Arctic | 2019 | |||
Jennifer Eickelmann | »Hate Speech« und Verletzbarkeit im digitalen Zeitalter Phänomene mediatisierter Missachtung aus Perspektive der Gender Media Studies | 2017 | transcript | 332 | |
Jakub Eberle | Germany as a Dividual Actor: Competing Social Logics and their Political Articulations | 2019 | |||
Jakub Eberle, Jan Daniel | “Putin, You Suck”: Affective Sticking Points in the Czech Narrative on “Russian Hybrid Warfare” | 2019 | |||
Jakub Eberle | Discourse and Affect in Foreign Policy: Germany and the Iraq War | 2019 | Routledge | ||
Jaspal Singh | Overstandin: Upscaling reading positions and rescaling texts/signs | 2020 | |||
Adam Warzecha | Shockvertising, skandalizacja i komunikacja wirusowa w walce dyskursów: Nergal w „The Voice of Poland” | 2019 | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | 197–219 | |
Annalisa ZANOLA | Migrant features in financial specialized discourse: the Corporate Annual Report genre | 2009 | Progedit | 11 | |
Annalisa ZANOLA | English Intonation: British and American Approaches | 2004 | La Scuola Ed. | ||
Annalisa ZANOLA | Public Speaking in Business English academic courses. From university requirements to workplace needs | 2019 | 17 | ||
Nils Matzner, Daniel Barben | Climate Engineering as a Communication Challenge: Contested Notions of Responsibility Across Expert Arenas of Science and Policy | 2020 | 28 | ||
Pedro Riquelme | La retórica del discurso populista | 2020 | 20 | ||
Pedro Riquelme | Una aproximación a la alienación lingüística en Rossi Landi, Ponzio y Gramsci. An approach to linguistic alienation in Rossi Landi, Ponzio and Gramsci | 2019 | 13 | ||
Johannes Angermuller, Julian Hamann | The celebrity logics of the academic field. The unequal distribution of citation visibility of Applied Linguistics professors in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom | 2019 | 16 | ||
Juan Vélez-Peña | Zeitgenössische epistemologische Strategien der Subjektivitätsbildung in der Karibik : als Folge von Festlegungsversuchen von Alterität und Selbstbestimmung | 2012 | Verlag Mainz | 258 | |
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor | Domestic animals and feudal order as source domains of deliberate metaphors in Polish public discourse | 2019 | Peter Lang | ||
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor | Are (Polish) Politicians out of this World? Conceptual Metaphors of Outer Space in Political Discourse | 2017 | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | ||
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor | POLITICIANS-ARE-ANIMALS metaphor in scenarios of breeding and hunting in Polish political discourse | 2016 | Peter Lang | ||
Desislsava Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva | Call for Papers | 2020 | |||
Nicolina Montessori, Critical Analysis | Critical Policy Discourse Analysis | 2019 | Edward Elgar | ||
Adam Warzecha | Kościół w sferze publicznej. Natanek, Nergal, Boniecki. Wybrane studia przypadków. | 2019 | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | 210 | |
Turpin Béatrice | Pour une sémiotique du politique: schèmes mythiques du national-populisme | 2006 | 22 | ||
Eva-Maria Graf, Claudio Scarvaglieri, Thomas Spranz-Fogasy | Pragmatik der Veränderung. Problem- und lösungsorientierte Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen | 2019 | Gunter Narr Verlag | 306 | |
Yana Grinshpun | ADARR Analyse du discours, Argumentation & Rhétorique 23/2019 : Le dispositif victimaire et sa disqualification | 2019 | |||
Goranka Rocco, Elmar Schafroth | Vergleichende Diskurslinguistik. Methoden und Forschungspraxis | 2019 | Peter Lang | 444 | |
Goranka Rocco | Flexibilisierung und Persuasion | 2019 | |||
Stephan Schurig | Geschlechterkonstruktionen in geographischen Fachlehrbüchern von 1990 bis 2015 | 2018 | readbox unipress | ||
Jan Zienkowski, Ruth Breeze | Imagining the Peoples of Europe: populist discourses across the political spectrum | 2019 | John Benjamins | 378 | |
Jaspal Singh | Loudness registers: Normalizing cosmopolitan identities in a narrative of ethnic othering | 2020 | 18 | ||
Ljiljana Šarić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević | Metaphors, nation and discourse | 2019 | John Benjamins | 356 | |
Martina Berrocal, Aleksandra Salamurovic | Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe | 2019 | John Benjamins | 268 | |
Johannes Angermuller | Truth after post-truth: for a Strong Programme in Discourse Studies | 2018 | |||
Albin Wagener | Discours et système | 2019 | Peter Lang | ||
Benno Herzog, Jorge Ruiz | Análisis Sociológico del Discurso - Enfoques, métodos, procedimientos | 2019 | Publicaciones Universitat de València | 284 | |
Argumentation Amossy | Argumentation & Anayse du Discours - L'Analyse du discours politique | 2019 | |||
Adam Warzecha | „Nakaz milczenia” dla ks. Adama Bonieckiego. Sytuacje kryzysowe i strategie wyłączenia z dyskursu na styku Kościół–sfera publiczna | 2018 | 111-124 | ||
Adam Warzecha | Samospalenie Piotra Szczęsnego. Jak w trakcie skandalu zmieniają się znaczenia? | 2019 | 155-170 | ||
Ronny Scholz | Quantifying Approaches to Discourse for Social Scientists | 2019 | Palgrave Macmillan | 320 | |
Jens Maesse | Globalization strategies and the economics dispositive. Insights from Germany and the UK | 2018 | |||
Yannik Porsché | Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums. Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany | 2018 | Palgrave Macmillan | 401 | |
Theodore Bonnah | Kimo-kawaii Catharsis: millennials, depression and the empty healing of Sanrio's Gudetama. | 2018 | 24 | ||
Vivien Sommer | Erinnern im Internet. Der Online-Diskurs um John Demjanjuk | 2018 | Springer VS | ||
Adam Warzecha | Postindustrialna religijność Polaków A.D. 2016 | 2017 | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | 197-206 | |
Adam Warzecha | Zastosowanie Krytycznej Analizy Dyskursu w badaniu zjawisk komunikacyjnych na przykładzie sprawy ks. Piotra Natanka | 2014 | 63-85 | ||
Adam Warzecha | Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu w public relations (koncepcja badania) | 2012 | 189-205 | ||
Adam Warzecha | Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu (KAD) w ujęciu Normana Fairclougha. Zarys problematyki | 2014 | 164-189 | ||
Adam Warzecha | Shockvertising, scandalization and viral communication in discursive struggle: Nergal in "The Voice of Poland". | 2017 | Peter Lang | 323–345 | |
Félix Krawatzek | Youth in Regime Crisis: Comparative Perspectives from Russia to Weimar Germany | 2018 | Oxford University Press | ||
Jaspal Singh, Tom Bartlett | Negotiating sustainability across scales: Community organising in the Outer Hebrides. AILA Review 30: 50-71. | 2017 | 21 | ||
Jaspal Singh, Ethiraj Dattatreyan | Cultural interventions: Repositioning hip hop education in India. | 2016 | 9 | ||
Jan Zienkowski | Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice | 2018 | 18 | ||
Jan Zienkowski | Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the meta political dimension of discursive practice | 2018 | |||
Mariano Dagatti, Vanice Sargentini | Los pueblos de la democracia. Política y medios en el siglo XXI | 2018 | La Bicicleta Ediciones | 364 | |
Cornelia Ilie | Pragmatics and its Interfaces | 2018 | John Benjamins | 313 | |
George Rossolatos | On the spectral ideology of cultural globalization as social hauntology | 2018 | 52-72 | ||
George Rossolatos | Post-place branding as nomadic experiencing | 2018 | 39-62 | ||
George Rossolatos | Consumed by the Real: A conceptual framework of abjective consumption and its freaky vicissitudes | 2018 | 39-62 | ||
George Rossolatos | Impossibly good looks: A pragma-ontological approach to unearthing the latent rhetorical structure of anti-aging advertising discourse | 2018 | 1-40 | ||
George Rossolatos | Brand image re-revisited: A semiotic note on brand iconicity and brand symbols | 2018 | 412-428 | ||
George Rossolatos | A sociosemiotic approach to consumer engagement in usergenerated advertising | 2018 | 555-589 | ||
Consuming antinatalism in social media: A discourse historical analytic approach | 2018 | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | |||
George Rossolatos | What’s in a thang? Dancing to brand image with Miley Cyrus’s multimodal dance spectacle | 2017 | 101-130 | ||
George Rossolatos | Toy stories: On the disciplinary regime of vibration | 2017 | 145-164 | ||
George Rossolatos | Carpool Karaoke: Deconstructing the directly lived experience of hearing oneself singing | 2017 | 624-637 | ||
George Rossolatos | Holy shit! Consuming oneself through taboo speech-acts | 2016 | 151-170 | ||
George Rossolatos | Limeating Inc.: Furious Pete and the post-colonial hamburger standard | 2016 | 533-548 | ||
George Rossolatos | Good vibrations: Charting the dominant and emergent discursive regimes of sex toys | 2016 | 1475-1494 | ||
George Rossolatos | A multimodal discourse analytic approach to the articulation of Martini’s “desire” positioning in filmic product placement | 2016 | 211-226 | ||
George Rossolatos | Before the consummation what? On the role of the semiotic economy of seduction | 2016 | 451-465 | ||
George Rossolatos | The Brand Imaginarium, or on the iconic constitution of brand image | 2015 | Kassel University Press | 390-457 | |
George Rossolatos | Taking the “multimodal turn” in interpreting consumption experiences | 2015 | 427-446 | ||
George Rossolatos | Servicing a heavy metal fandom posthumously: A sociosemiotic account of collective identity formation in Dio’s memorial | 2015 | 633-655 | ||
George Rossolatos | Double or nothing: Deconstructing cultural heritage | 2015 | 297-315 | ||
George Rossolatos | The ice-bucket challenge: The legitimacy of the memetic mode of cultural reproduction is the message | 2015 | 132-152 | ||
George Rossolatos | A Dio: A sociosemiotic/phenomenological account of the formationof collective narrative identity in the context of a rock legend’s memorial | 2015 | 81-125 | ||
George Rossolatos | Is the semiosphere post-modernist? | 2015 | 95-113 | ||
George Rossolatos | For a semiotic model of cultural branding and the dynamic management of a brandosphere in the face of user-generated advertising | 2014 | 23-47 | ||
George Rossolatos | Lady Gaga as (dis)simulacrum of monstrosity | 2014 | 231-246 | ||
George Rossolatos | Conducting multimodal rhetorical analysis of TV ads with Atlas.ti 7 | 2014 | 51-84 | ||
George Rossolatos | Building strong brands with structuralist rhetorical semiotics: A step-by- step exposition of the methodological framework of the brand trajectory of signification | 2014 | International Association for Semiotic Studies | ||
George Rossolatos | Towards the cultural branding model of the brandosphere: From share-of-market to share-of-cultural representations | 2014 | New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the 12th Semiotics World Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 16-20 September 2014, ed. Kristian Bankov, IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House | 5 | |
George Rossolatos | Rapunzel, Benjamin Button and Little Red Riding Hood in this and any other possible world: Philosophical, rhetorical and textual semiotic excursions in inter-textual formations amongst advertising, literary and filmic texts | 2014 | 28 | ||
George Rossolatos | On the pathology of the enthymeme: Accounting for hidden visual premises in advertising discourse | 2014 | 1-27 | ||
George Rossolatos | Exploring the rhetorical semiotic brand image structure of ad films with multivariate mapping techniques | 2014 | 335-358 | ||
George Rossolatos | A methodological framework for conducting multimodal rhetorical analyses of advertising films with ATLAS.ti | 2013 | Universitatsverlag der TU Berlin | 1-52 |