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Texte et discours en confrontation dans l’espace européen. Text and discourse in confrontation in the European

La date de clôture de l'appel à communication du colloque
"Texte/discours en confrontation dans l'espace européen.
Pour un renouvellement épistémologique et heuristique"
a été repoussée au
1er février 2015
Vous trouverez l'appel actualisé avec la liste des conférenciers invités ci-dessous

Texte et discours en confrontation dans l’espace européen.
Pour un renouvellement épistémologique et heuristique. Metz, Université de Lorraine
15-18 septembre 2015
Centre de recherche sur les médiations

Trajectories and Positioning in Academia. A Dialogue between European and American Perspectives

Academic trajectories refer to the course of research careers, but also of certain concepts or research subjects. They consist of different positions that are attributed or occupied over time and space, take place within a wider framework of symbolic and institutional positions, and within the structured field of higher education. What are possible determinants or characteristics of academic trajectories? How do they result from everyday positioning or classification practices, and how do they intertwine with the structured contexts of academic disciplines or higher education systems?

Historicising Foucault: What does this mean?

Michel Foucault figures among the icons of today's cultural and social sciences. The French philosopher and historian is productively read, quoted, discussed, refuted, and recycled in virtually every cultural and social scientific discipline. Voiced in 1975, Foucault's invitation that people should help themselves to his works and concepts as if using a toolbox' ('make of it what you will') was so widely taken up that the toolbox has since become standard equipment above all for the work of the cultural sciences.

Mediated Action and Mediated Discourse Analysis: Studying Learning and Becoming at the Nexus of Practice

The purpose of the workshop is to explore the closely related frameworks of mediated action (MA) (Wertsch, 1998) and mediated discourse analysis (MDA) (Scollon & Scollon, 2004). In the spirit of a study group, participants will 1) engage in a dialogue around what these frameworks can bring to the learning sciences, 2) get hands-on experience analysing empirical material from these two perspectives, 3) discuss their own research practices within these frames.

Conference Seminar: Changing Discourses, Changing Workplaces: Postmodern Trends in Institutional Communication

Call for papers

Thematic Seminar: Changing Discourses, Changing Workplaces: Postmodern Trends in Institutional Communication

12th ESSE conference, Kosice, Slovakia (29 August – 2 September 2014) http://www.esse2014kosice.sk

Seminar Convenors:

Deconstruction as Method for Political Analysis

The course consists of a one-day workshop for research students and young researchers. The aim of the workshop is to examine deconstruction as a method for political analysis. We read examples of deconstructive analyses by Jacques Derrida and discuss the methodological implications of deconstruction as well as the philosophical assumptions behind it. Deconstruction is often used in literature, cultural studies and philosophy, but is little used as a method for political analysis.

Protest Culture - Cultural Protest

Recent protest movements in different parts of the world are characterized by aesthetic intervention and artistic creativity while it becomes more and more difficult to explain these protests in political terms or by using the standard concepts which the theory of social movements has to offer. The workshop focuses on such recent phenomena as (post)migrant and (post)feminist art forms and activism.

PhD Methodology Course: Empirical Applications of Discourse and Post-Structural Analysis

This one-day advanced PhD methodology course (May 14, 2-6pm) aims to stimulate collegial
discussion between faculty and students in Warwick Business School, the
Centre of Applied Linguistics and the broader University.
PhD student participants will be able to present their research informally
and to flesh out their ideas with other discourse theorists. If you are
interested in building a stronger internal and inter-disciplinary network of
colleagues around an interest in discourse analysis, and/or discuss your

Continental and Analytical Political Theory: An Insurmountable Divide?

The course consists of a one-day workshop for research students and young researchers. The topic is ‘Post-Structuralism and Political Analysis’ which we approach through the theme of ‘Democracy and Government’. The course will examine the contribution of post-structuralism to political analysis: what are the ontological and epistemological assumptions made by post-structuralists? How are assumptions translated into methodological approaches and guidelines? How does one apply post-structuralism to the analysis of political texts? How do post-structuralists think about the political?