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Weekly research seminars at Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics

Dear all,

I'm pleased to share the programme for the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics research seminars. They run every Thursday afternoon, 4 to 5 pm (UK time) and can be attended online.

For Eventbrite links, abstracts, recordings of past seminars and future events you can go to our website: https://www.aston.ac.uk/research/forensic-linguistics/events.

This month, the seminars are:

6 February: Anthony Elisha Anowu, Anchor University Lagos. Turn-taking and Power in Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses in Nigeria.

Open DiscourseNet Seminar - monthly online seminar in Discourse Studies

Please join us again in 2024-2025 for our monthly Friday lunchtime online English-language seminars from London, a collaboration of the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics at the Open University, UK and DiscourseNet. 

To join our seminars, you will need to register:

Open DiscourseNet Seminar, London - monthly online seminar in Discourse Studies

We invite you to join us for our monthly English-language seminars from London, a collaboration of the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics at the Open University, UK and DiscourseNet. 

Are upcoming talks (1pm-2pm, London time) are on:

26th January 2024, Andreas Musolff (University of East Anglia): How did Reichsbürger integrate COVID-19 conspiracy theories into their own conspiracy ideology?