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Self-Legitimation Practices of International Organizations: From a Bottom-Up to a Top-Down Perspective

The legitimacy of international organizations seems more contested than ever today. Recent debates on the politicization of international organizations illustrate that IOs have increasingly become subject to critical public review. While the legitimacy of international governance has long been treated as a non-issue, IOs such as the EU or the G8 are now suffering a legitimacy crisis. This panel will explore how IOs attempt to deal with these legitimacy challenges.

10th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Processes, Practices and Performance

Submitted by Tom Keenoy on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

The biannual Organizational Discourse Conference celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2012. In the past two decades ‘discourse analysis’ has firmly established itself as a topic of interest, an analytical perspective informing a variety of critical theoretical approaches, and a methodology for organizational research. A discursive approach has been widely adopted in a variety of subfields.

I Central American Symposium on Discourse Studies: Discourse and Exclusion in Central America

This symposium will be a space for the researchers, professors and students interested in the field to gather
and exchange theoretical and methodological proposals, and research results.
If you would like to request more information about this activity and the subjects to be discussed, please consult
the websites: jocaed2013.blogspot.com.
We cordially invite you to participate in this event, and would be thankful for your help passing this information
along to your contacts.

47th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics - Learning, Working and Communicating in a Global Context

Abstracts are welcome in any area of Applied Linguistics, should be interesting and innovative in some way. They should be scholarly and of academically good quality and indicate clearly objectives, method(s), and results where appropriate. Abstracts which address the conference theme will be particularly welcome.

Individual presentation for parallel sessions Individual papers have 25 minutes:
• 20 minutes for the presentation
• 5 minutes for questions

Developments in professional/academic communication and implications for language education and research

In the context of growing professional and academic mobility, in parallel with the trend towards the internationalization of Higher Education and emerging new channels for academic and research communication, education and research in the field of languages for professional and academic purposes have acquired new roles.

CfP: Language and Health – Workshop at SLE-Meeting 2017 (10th-13th Sep 2017 in Zurich)

Submitted by Yvonne Ilg on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

CfP Session Language and health
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 10th - 13th September 2017, Zurich (Switzerland)

Marina Iakushevich (University of Paderborn), Yvonne Ilg (University of Zurich), Daniel Knuchel (University of Zurich), Theresa Schnedermann (Heidelberg University)