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12th IALIC: Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Critical Approaches to Theory and Practice

The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication
Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University

Conference overview:

Memory, Power, and Knowledge in African Music and Beyond

Language: English
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2014

• Center for World Music (CWM), University of Hildesheim (Germany)
• Department of Music & Dance, University of Cape Coast (Ghana)
• Department of Education, University of Maiduguri (Nigeria)
• African Music Archives (AMA), Department of Anthropology and African
Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)

The Structural Transformation of Higher Education: Between Market Logic and Neo-Feudal Hierarchies

Across the globe, the higher education and research sector is changing rapidly. As it continues to expand along the elite-mass-universal trajectory described by Martin Trow, it is subject to unprecedented structural reforms and transformations. These changes are often captured in a framework variously labelled ‘academic capitalism’, ‘marketization’ or ‘entrepreneurialism’, with the common denominator that the market is the new central principle of academic practice.

CfP Panel Proposal CADAAD 2016 - "Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges"

We invite submission of abstracts for a panel entitled "Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges", to be proposed as a part of The Sixth International Conference on Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD 2016), which will take place at the University of Catania in Italy, 5-7 September 2016.

Digitalisation and the Future of Democratic Theory

This call concerns a panel at the MANCEPT Workshops 2017 in Manchester, UK. The MANCEPT Workshops is an annual conference in political theory, organised under the auspices of the Manchester Centre for Political Theory. This year’s conference will take place on Monday 11 September to Wednesday 13 September at the Arthur Lewis Building, University of Manchester. The conference offers academics an opportunity to come together in a series of workshops so as to develop specialised work and engage in lively philosophical discussion.

Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication: Focus on Data

Friday 11th September 2009, Aston University

This one-day conference will explore the possibilities and problems of employing ethnographically sensitive approaches to language and communication research across a wide range of disciplines and topics (including health, education, social and political processes, culture and identity).

Plenary speakers are Professor Jan Blommaert (Department of Languages, University of Jyvaskyla) and Professor Martyn Hammersley (The Open University).

European Consortium for Political Research Anual Conference

Dear all,

Perhaps someone is interested in proposing a panel/paper for the section „Developments of and in International Organisations – From Interstate Cooperation to Global Order?“ I am organizing together with a colleague for the ECPR 2011 in Reykjavik (25-27 August). I attached a description of the section but you can also find it at http://www.ecprnet.eu//conferences/general_conference/Reykjavik/propose… (section 82).

Deadline for submissions is 1 September 2010.