Description and Group Members | Events | Literature | DiscourseNet
Future Events:
- DiscourseNet Summer School 6 (Version 2.0): Online. Possibilities, challenges and the future of Ethnographic Discourse Studies during the ongoing climate catastrophe and the pandemic (Organisation: Yannik Porsché & Jaspal Singh)
Postponed Events:
- Summer 2022 DiscourseNet Summer School 6 in Tutzing, Germany: “Ethnography meets Discourse Analysis” (Organisation: Yannik Porsché & Jaspal Singh)
Past Events:
- 13-17 July 2020 Open University Online methods week for PhD students (Presentations on ethnographic discourse studies by Yannik Porsché & Jaspal Singh)
- 11-12 September 2019: DiscourseNet/ALED Congress 3 in Paris, France - Panel: “Ethnographic Discourse Studies: Comparative, political and polycentric perspectives” (Chairs: Yannik Porsché & Jaspal Singh)
- 25 September 2015: DiscourseNet Congress 1 in Bremen, Germany - Panel: “Discursive Practices and Ethnography” (Chairs: Yannik Porsché & Daniel Wrana)
- 13-14 December 2012: DiscourseNet Workshop in Frankfurt/Main, Germany: “Ethnographie und Diskursanalyse: Feld, Sprache, Kultur” (Organisation: Thomas Scheffer & Alfonso Del Percio)