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Webinar on discourses of anti-semitism

Mon, 11/11/2019


Dear all, 

Anti-semitism has become an issue again in some political corners, not least for the populist Left. I am offering a webinar on the rise of anti-semitism in the UK, France and Germany. The webinar is organised by Irina Dusacova and her friends from Zentr Sefer in Moscow next Monday at 3pm (Moscow time)/1pm (CEST)/12noon (GMT, London). Anybody can sign up and join!

Johannes Angermuller

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Центр Сэфер

Educational research centre

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Центр Сэфер


Dear colleagues, we are glad to announce the online lecture by Professor Johannes Angermuller (Open University (UK)):


Lecture will take place on November 11 at 15-00 (Moscow time). The lecture will be delivered in English. 
To participate in the lecture please send an email expressing your interest to sefer.webinar@gmail.com. After that you will receive an email with the link to the lecture and technical instructions.

Дорогие коллеги, приглашаем вас на онлайн-лекцию профессора Йоханнеса Ангермюллера (Открытый Университет (Великобритания)):

Лекция пройдет 11 ноября, в понедельник, с 15-00 до 16-30 по московскому времени. Язык — английский, перевод не предусмотрен. Чтобы принять участие, заполните анкету: https://sefer.ru/…/ed…/educational_programmes/discourses.php

About the topic:

We may have long believed that anti-semitic ideologies are a thing of the past, that anti-Jewish prejudice has no place in the modern world. Yet the last few years have shown the surprising return of «anti-semitism» as a major issue of contention in the West. By drawing on observations from Germany, France, the UK and the US, I will discuss why anti-semitism is back on the agenda and how it informs political discourses. I will highlight the populist turn in the Western Left (represented by such figures as Jeremy Corbyn and Jean-Luc Mélenchon), which has gone hand in hand with an increasingly critical view of «Israel». I will look into the transnational dimensions in this discourse and raise the question of how to relate to it.

About the lecturer:

Johannes Angermuller is a discourse researcher in linguistics and sociology and Professor at Open University (UK). He is also affiliated with the Center for Applied Linguistics at Warwick (UK) and a member of CEMS/EHESS in Paris. He is the founding president of DiscourseNet. International Association of Discourse Studies.

Программа реализуется при поддержке Genesis Philanthropy GroupФонд президентских грантов, JOODS Humanitair Fonds.