Dear friends,
We wish you and yours a very happy and joyous holiday season!
A few weeks ago, DiscourseNet became an association and we are delighted to launch "DiscourseNet. International Association for Discourse Studies". We would like to invite you to join this association and to contribute to future activities. Please write to if you want to become a founding member of the association and we will soon get back to you.
As a DiscourseNet member, you
- are allowed to participate in the three to four DiscourseNet events taking place every year;
- can benefit from the networking, mentoring and other support from the DiscourseNet Board;
- can submit your work to the DiscourseNet Working Paper series, get feedback and discuss your work at one of the events;
- will be listed in the membership directory.
DiscourseNet also runs various publication outlets, including the double blind reviewed, Open Access Discourse Studies journal and a books series. And we have created the webpage with 6000 registered users.
At our DNC3ALED conference in Paris in September, the DiscourseNet Assembly elected a team of three - Johannes Angermuller (president), Luciana Radut-Gaghi (Treasurer) and Jaspal Singh (Secretary), who created a Steering Group of Peter Fargas (developer), Jan Krasni (social media), Tatiana Shutova (communications). We have now completed the new DiscourseNet Board for 2020-2021, which also comprises Aurora Fragonara (communications, organisation DN23, Bergamo 2019), Péter Furkó (organisation DNC4, Budapest 2021), Benno Herzog (organisation DNC5, Valencia 2023), Michael Kranert, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Jens Maeße (DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series), Yannik Porsché (organisation DN summer school Munich 2020), Kseniia Semykina (membership management and communications), Susanne Weber, Franco Zappettini (administration of language areas), Jan Zienkowski (organisation DN24, Brussels 2020).
We are looking forward to 2020 and hope we can welcome you in our fledgeling association!
Kind regards,
The DiscourseNet crowd
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