Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dear all,
From March 17th until March 19th, we are happy to welcome Prof. Jacob Torfing from Roskilde University as our guest in Nijmegen. As you probably all know, Torfing is a specialist on post-structuralist discourse theory, with a strong interest in different forms of governance.
In his Von Humboldt lecture (Tuesday March 17th, 17:30-19:30, Thomas van Aquinostraat 2.0.13, Nijmegen University campus), Torfing raises the question of how to measure and improve the democratic anchorage of governance networks. Increasingly, governance through hierarchies and markets is supplemented by governance through different kinds of networks that brings together public and private actors. The second generation of governance network research aims to assess the normative and political impact of these networks, and to improve their functioning. A tool provided in this respect is the concept of 'democratic anchorage'. The lecture will explain the notion of democratic anchorage, demonstrate how it can be used in empirical studies, and reflect on how politicians, public managers and other metagovernors can help to improve the democratic quality of interactive modes of networks governance.
On Wednesday March 18th (10:00-12:30, Nijmegen University), a PhD seminar is scheduled. Here, Jacob Torfing shall first give a short presentation on 'Discourse models in policy'. Afterwards, several PhD students will present their own work upon which Jacob Torfing will reflect. If you want to participate in the seminar (or if you want to give a presentation on your own work) please send an e-mail to
Finally, on Thursday March 19th (10:45-12:30, Nijmegen University), there is a Research Seminar on the topic of 'Poststructuralist discourse theory and how to compensate the neglect of method'. As this has been a recurring issue within our group, we hope for a lively debate after an introductory talk by our guest. Please let us know if you want to participate in this workshop (
We are still glad to accept registrations for both the PhD and the Research Seminar (please write to in that case). If you intend to participate in the PhD Seminar, please let us know whether you would like to present a paper (papers should ideally briefly describe the PhD project (2-3 pages) and then raise some methodological questions about how to do discourse analysis (2-3 pages)).
For more info on the individual program items, please consult our website
We are looking forward to your participation.
Bas Hendrikx
Bas Hendrikx
PhD Candidate
Research program "Governance and Places"
dept. Human Geography and Spatial Planning
Thomas van Aquinostraat 3.2.14
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O.Box 9108, 6500 HK Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Fax +31-(0)24-3611841
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