University of Naples L'Orientale - Palazzo Du Mesnil
Via Chiatamone, 60-62
80138 Naples NA

The conference aims to promote an in-depth understanding of sustainability communication while providing innovative insights and practical solutions to current sustainability challenges.
The event is intended as a meeting place for local companies, academia, and other subjects (e.g. from media, film and television) to exchange knowledge and practices, improve communication, and expand theoretical, methodological, and practical approaches to the study of sustainability.
Papers selected for the conference will take a close look at sustainability in its linguistic, discursive, multimodal, and pragmatic aspects. Topics for contributions in English include, but are not limited to:
- sustainability communication across media and text types
- persuasive and effective sustainability communication
- digital sustainability communication (i.e. on social media)
- multimodal representations of sustainability
- framing and discursive construction of sustainability
- discursive polarisation around sustainability topics
- LSP and popularisation of sustainability specialised knowledge
- criticism and limitations of sustainability as theory and practice
- sustainability best practices and corporate strategies
- interdisciplinary features of sustainability
Theoretical and methodological approaches include, among others: (critical) discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, multimodal (critical) discourse analysis, media and film studies, communication studies, corporate communication, digital humanities, pragmatics, stylistics, sociolinguistics, comparative studies, translation studies, and literary studies.
Francesco Nacchia
Marina Niceforo