This call for papers solicits contributions to a panel entitled 'Economic imaginaries and socio-ecological transformation', which will take place at DNC6 in Brussels from the 7th until the 10th of July. If you are interested in contributing to this panel, please submit your abstract directly through the online form while putting the name of our panel in the respective field.
Dear colleagues,
The deadline for handing in abstracts for the 6th DiscourseNet Congress about Discourse and the imaginaries of past, present and future societies: media and representations of (inter)national (dis)orders is approaching fast.
Caras Investigadoras,
Caros Investigadores,
O Grupo Gramática & Texto do Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL) anuncia a realização da 9.ª Conferência Internacional em Gramática & Texto – GRATO 2025, subordinada ao tema Desafios e Perspetivas em Gramática & Texto.
A Conferência terá lugar em Lisboa, na NOVA FCSH, de 11 a 12 de setembro de 2025, funcionando em formato híbrido.