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What is the DiscourseNet: CollaborativeWorking Paper Series (DN CWPS) about?
The DiscourseNet: Collaborative Working Paper Series reflects ongoing research activity at the intersection of language and society in an interdisciplinary field of discourse studies. We welcome work-progress-contributions which actively engage in a dialogue across different theories of discourse, disciplines, topics, methods and methodologies.
What is the difference between a Journal Publication and a Working Paper?
A Working Paper is a first-draft-journal paper or contribution, a research report, a workshop presentation or an essay. Generally speaking, it should have the potential of a full quality paper that is in progress. The working papers will be published on https://discourseanalysis.net/dncwps. When you publish your paper later in a regular journal or volume, please refer to the initial working paper version.
Why should you submit your working paper to DN CWPS?
The DN CWPS is not “one more additional working paper series”. The DN CWPS is rather a collaborative working paper series because it gives you a constructive response by two experts and it offers you opportunities for social networking with researchers in your field of expertise. In order to support, extend and deepen academic debate, the DN WPS will offer each accepted paper comments by two experts of the paper’s field. Additionally, every author will be invited to the upcoming DiscourseNet meeting to present the paper and to get in touch with the commentators and other discourse researchers.
How should your proposal look like?
Working papers …
- can be submitted in English, French, Spanish and German.
- should not exceed a total length of 20,000 keystrokes (inclusive of spaces).
- should be accompanied by an abstract. Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 keystrokes in length (inclusive of spaces).
- should include some keywords and a short author description (up to 600 keystrokes).
- should avoid unnecessary footnotes and italics.
- should refer to all figures in the text (f.i. “Your argument (see Fig. 1).”); please provide all images as seperate files (300 dpi, if possible).
- should use the APA-Citation style (https://www.library.cornell.edu/research/citation/apa) or similar author-year-styles.
- should be sent to Jens Maeße (email below) as a PDF- and WORD-Document.
Do you have any questions?
Any further questions about the guidelines for the composition of the working papers should be addressed directly to the editors Jens Maeße (jens.maesse@sowi.uni-giessen.de), David Adler (david.adler@uni-oldenburg.de) and Elena Psyllakou.
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