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Author Title Year Type Publisher Pages
George Rossolatos For a semiotic model of cultural branding and the dynamic management of a brandosphere in the face of user-generated advertising 2014 23-47
George Rossolatos Lady Gaga as (dis)simulacrum of monstrosity 2014 231-246
George Rossolatos Conducting multimodal rhetorical analysis of TV ads with Atlas.ti 7 2014 51-84
George Rossolatos Building strong brands with structuralist rhetorical semiotics: A step-by- step exposition of the methodological framework of the brand trajectory of signification 2014 International Association for Semiotic Studies
George Rossolatos Towards the cultural branding model of the brandosphere: From share-of-market to share-of-cultural representations 2014 New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the 12th Semiotics World Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 16-20 September 2014, ed. Kristian Bankov, IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House 5
George Rossolatos Rapunzel, Benjamin Button and Little Red Riding Hood in this and any other possible world: Philosophical, rhetorical and textual semiotic excursions in inter-textual formations amongst advertising, literary and filmic texts 2014 28
George Rossolatos On the pathology of the enthymeme: Accounting for hidden visual premises in advertising discourse 2014 1-27
George Rossolatos Exploring the rhetorical semiotic brand image structure of ad films with multivariate mapping techniques 2014 335-358
George Rossolatos A methodological framework for conducting multimodal rhetorical analyses of advertising films with ATLAS.ti 2013 Universitatsverlag der TU Berlin 1-52
George Rossolatos Brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics: A conceptual framework 2013 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings (EMAC). Istanbul, Turkey 4-7 2013 8
George Rossolatos Operationalizing Groupe μ’s local and general degrees zero in the light of multimodal ad filmic textual analysis 2013 10th International Conference on Semiotics Proceedings, Greece, Oct 5th 2013
George Rossolatos "I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I do not know which half (J. Wannamaker)”: Semiotic answers to perennial branding troubles 2013 545-560
George Rossolatos On the textual economy of brand equity: Accounting semiotically for the difference between axiology and linguistic value 2013 ATINER 13
George Rossolatos An anatomy of the multimodal rhetorical landscape of the world’s most valuable brands 2013 73-125
George Rossolatos A methodological framework for projecting brand equity: Putting back the imaginary into brand knowledge structures 2013 98-136
George Rossolatos Brand equity planning with structuralist operations and operations of rhetorical transformation 2013 153-168
George Rossolatos Rhetorical transformations in multimodal advertising texts: From general to local degree zero 2013 97-118
George Rossolatos The brand commens: A social phenomenological / semiotic account of the formation of the (inter)subjective habitus through social media participatory mechanisms 2013
George Rossolatos Repres(s)enting the manimal: A semiotic/psychoanalytic approach to the strategic importance of anthropomorphism in branding 2013 12th International Marketing Trends Conference Proceedings
George Rossolatos, Margaret Hogg Fetish, taboo, simulacrum: An applied psychoanalytic/semiotic approach to the experiential consumption of music products 2013 12th International Marketing Trends Conference Proceedings, ESCP, Paris 35
George Rossolatos Applications, implications and limitations of the semiotic square for analyzing advertising discourse and discerning alternative brand futures 2012 1-48
George Rossolatos Applying structuralist semiotics to brand image research. Public Journal of Semiotics 4 2012 25-82
George Rossolatos //rhetor.dixit//: Understanding Ad Texts’ Rhetorical Structure for Differential Figurative Advantage 2013 Amazon Press
George Rossolatos Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Rhetorical Semiotics 2014 Kassel University Press
George Rossolatos Semiotics of Popular Culture 2015 Kassel University Press
George Rossolatos Handbook of Brand Semiotics 2015 Kassel University Press
George Rossolatos Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research 2018 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
David Adler Solid Futures: Office Architecture and the Labour Imaginary 2018 Palgrave Macmillan 299–319
Sten Hansson The discursive micro-politics of blame avoidance: Unpacking the language of government blame games 2018
Sten Hansson Analysing opposition–government blame games: Argument models and strategic maneuvering 2018 228−246
Sten Hansson Defensive semiotic strategies in government: A multimodal study of blame avoidance 2018 472−493
Sten Hansson Anticipative strategies of blame avoidance in government: The case of communication guidelines 2017 219-241
Steffen Hamborg Lokale Bildungslandschaften auf Nachhaltigkeitskurs. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im kommunalpolitischen Diskurs. 2018 Springer VS 371
Reinhard Messerschmidt Aussterben vertagt? Demografischer Wandel in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion 2018 Campus
Jan Zienkowski Articulations of self and politics in activist discourse 2017 Palgrave MacMillan
Jan Zienkowski Reflexivity in the transdisciplinary field of critical discourse studies 2017
Jan Zienkowski Articulating metalinguistic and political awareness in Flemish discourses on integration and allochthony 2014 283-306
Philip Zimbardo Psychologie 2008 Pearson
Jörg Zirfas, Michael Göhlich Lernen. Ein pädagogischer Grundbegriff 2007 Kohlhammer
Slavoj Žižek Interrogating the Real 2006 Continuum
Slavoj Žižek How to Read Lacan 2006 Granta Books
Peter Zima Was ist Theorie? 2004 Francke
Jordan Zlatev Polysemy or Generality? Mu. 2003 de Gruyter 447-494
Claus Zittel Wissen und soziale Konstruktion 2002 Akademie
Cornelia Züll, Juliane Landmann Computerunterstützte Inhaltsanalyse 2002 ZUMA
Slavoj Žižek Die Tücke des Subjekts 2001 Suhrkamp
Peter Zima Theorie des Subjekts 2000 Francke
Gisela Zifonun, Ludger Hoffmann, Bruno Strecker Grammatik der deutschen Sprache 1997 de Gruyter
Slavoj Žižek The Indivisible Remainder 1996 Verso
Slavoj Žižek Looking Awry 1992 MIT Press
Slavoj Žižek Beyond Discourse-Analysis 1990 Verso 249-260
Slavoj Žižek The Sublime Object of Ideology 1989 Verso
Peter Zima Textsoziologie 1980 Metzler
Klaus Zimmermann Erkundungen zur Texttypologie mit einem Ausblick auf die Nutzung einer Typologie für eine Corpustheorie 1978 Narr
Peter Zima Textsemiotik und Ideologiekritik 1977 Suhrkamp
Don Zimmerman, Melvin Pollner Die Alltagswelt als Phänomen 1976 Suhrkamp 64-104
Don Zimmerman, Candace West Sex Roles‚ Interruptions and Silences in Conversation 1975 Newbury House 102-117
Ferruh Yilmaz How the Workers Became Muslims 2016
Joscha Wullweber Global politics and empty signifiers: the political construction of high technology 2015 78-96
Joscha Wullweber Post-Positivist Political Theory 2015 Wiley 1-11
James Wright International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition 2015 Elsevier
Joscha Wullweber Die Performativität des Finanzsystems und die Selektivität stratifizierter Finanzstrukturen 2015 270-298
Daniel Wrana, Alexander Ziem, Martin Reisigl, Martin Nonhoff, Johannes Angermüller DiskursNetz 2014 Suhrkamp
Joscha Wullweber Leere Signifikanten, hegemoniale Projekte und internationale Innovations- und Nanotechnologiepolitik 2014 Nomos 270-306
Agnieszka Zaganczyk-Neufeld Die geglückte Revolution 2014 Schöningh
Jan Zienkowski Marking subjectivity in interviews on political engagement 2013 Transcript 85-112
Jan Zienkowski Analysing political engagement 2012
Claude Zambo, Eric Owono De la coexistence au conflit des langues: images de la société camerounaise dans Branle-bas en noir et blanc de Mongo Beti 2012
Daniel Wrana Diesseits von Diskursen und Praktiken 2012 Budrich 185-200
Jan Zienkowski Overcoming the post-structuralist methodological deficit 2012 501-534
Alexander Ziem Token-Konzepte, Type-Konzepte und das Prinzip der Rekursivität 2012 Stauffenburg 69-79
Daniel Wrana Theoretische und methodologische Grundlagen der Analyse diskursiver Praktiken 2012 Budrich 197-217
Daniel Wrana, Christiane Reinhard Professionalisierung in Lernberatungsgesprächen 2012 Budrich
Daniel Wrana, Christiane Maier-Reinhard Lernberatung im Professionalisierungsprozess 2012 Barbara Budrich
Alexander Ziem Kognitive Abstraktionsstufen deklarativen Wissens: Evidenz aus korpusgestützten Fallstudien 2011 de Gruyter
Daniel Wrana Den Diskurs lernen – Lesarten bilden. Die Differenz von Produktion und Konsumption in diskursiven Praktiken 2011 VS 229-245
Alexander Ziem, Alexander Lasch Konstruktionsgrammatik III 2011 Stauffenburg
Daniel Wrana Zur Rekonstellation von Methoden in Forschungsstrategien 2011 Budrich 207-224
Joscha Wullweber, Christoph Scherrer Post-Modern and Post-structural International Political Economy 2010 Blackwell
Alexander Ziem Lexikalische Felder, konzeptuelle Metaphern und Domänenmischungen im Interdiskurs Fußball 2010 305-328
Alexander Ziem Welche Rolle spielt der Kontext beim Sprachverstehen? 2010 Narr 59-83
Joscha Wullweber Hegemonie, Diskurs und Politische Ökonomie: Das Nanotechnologie-Projekt 2010 Nomos
Alexander Ziem Sprachliche Wissenskonstitution aus Sicht der Konstruktionsgrammatik und Kognitiven Grammatik 2009 de Gruyter 173-206
Alexander Ziem Diskurse, konzeptuelle Metaphern, Visiotypen 2009 18-37
Alexander Ziem Frames im Einsatz 2009 de Gruyter 209-246
Alexander Ziem Frames und sprachliches Wissen 2008 de Gruyter
Alexander Ziem Frame-Semantik und Diskursanalyse 2008 de Gruyter 89-117
Daniel Wrana, Antje Langer An den Rändern der Diskurse. Jenseits der Unterscheidung diskursiver und nicht-diskursiver Praktiken 2007
Aram Ziai Globale Strukturpolitik? 2007 Westfäl. Dampfboot
Tom Ziemke, Jordan Zlatev, Roslyn Frank Body, Language, and Mind I: Embodiment 2007 de Gruyter
Daniel Wrana Das Subjekt schreiben 2006 Schneider
Alexander Ziem Begriffe, Topoi, Wissensrahmen: Perspektiven einer semantischen Analyse gesellschaftlichen Wissens 2006 Georg Olms 315-348
Alexander Ziem Begriffswissen 2005
Lynne Young, Claire Harrison Systemic Function Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis: Studies in Social Change 2005 Continuum
Daniel Wrana Der innere Raum des lernenden Subjekts 2005 Koch 145-169
John Zammito A Nice Derangement of Epistemes 2004 University Press
Christoph Wulf, Jörg Zirfas Performative Welten 2004 Fink 7-48
Daniel Wrana Formen der Individualität 2002 Tectum 115-176
Daniel Wrana Subjektkonstitutionen, Machtverhältnisse, Ästhetiken 2001 Argument 85-98
Linda Wood, Rolf Kroger Doing Discourse Analysis 2000 Sage