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Author Title Year Type Publisher Pages
Jaime Júnior The transmediatisation of COVID-19 in Brazil: Theoretical reflexions on the communication of the pandemic across media spaces to make visible (bio-/geo-)political repertoires of (re-)interpretation 2020
Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg, Stefan Bernhard Charting Transnational Fields. Methodology for a Political Sociology of Knowledge 2020 Routledge
Yasemin Erdogan-Ozturk, Hale Isik-Guler Discourses of Exclusion on Twitter in the Turkish Context: #ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry) 2020
Shara Lopes, Pedro Queiroz Disrupting the media discourse: an analysis of the announcement of the Brazilian media consortium during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020
George Rossolatos A brand storytelling approach to Covid-19’s terrorealization: Cartographing the narrative space of a global pandemic 2020
Ricardo-María Jiménez Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional 2020 EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra 338
Helena Ostrowicka, Łukasz Stankiewicz The truths of business and the lies of academia: the order of discourse on higher education in Poland 2019
Helena Ostrowicka, Justyna Spychalska-Stasiak, Łukasz Stankiewicz The Dispositif of the University Reform. The Higher Education Policy Discourse in Poland. 2020 Routledge 156
Helena Ostrowicka Regulating Social Life: Discourses on the Youth and the Dispositif of Age 2019 Palgrave Macmillan 172
Douifi Mohamed Language and the Complex of Ideology 2018 Palgrave Macmillan 221
Sybille de Buitrago Visualisationand Knowledge Production in International Relations: The Role of Emotions and Identity 2019
Sybille de Buitrago Risk Representations and Confrontational Actions in the Arctic 2019
Jennifer Eickelmann »Hate Speech« und Verletzbarkeit im digitalen Zeitalter Phänomene mediatisierter Missachtung aus Perspektive der Gender Media Studies 2017 transcript 332
Jakub Eberle Germany as a Dividual Actor: Competing Social Logics and their Political Articulations 2019
Jakub Eberle, Jan Daniel “Putin, You Suck”: Affective Sticking Points in the Czech Narrative on “Russian Hybrid Warfare” 2019
Jakub Eberle Discourse and Affect in Foreign Policy: Germany and the Iraq War 2019 Routledge
Jaspal Singh Overstandin: Upscaling reading positions and rescaling texts/signs 2020
Adam Warzecha Shockvertising, skandalizacja i komunikacja wirusowa w walce dyskursów: Nergal w „The Voice of Poland” 2019 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 197–219
Annalisa ZANOLA Migrant features in financial specialized discourse: the Corporate Annual Report genre 2009 Progedit 11
Annalisa ZANOLA English Intonation: British and American Approaches 2004 La Scuola Ed.
Annalisa ZANOLA Public Speaking in Business English academic courses. From university requirements to workplace needs 2019 17
Nils Matzner, Daniel Barben Climate Engineering as a Communication Challenge: Contested Notions of Responsibility Across Expert Arenas of Science and Policy 2020 28
Pedro Riquelme La retórica del discurso populista 2020 20
Pedro Riquelme Una aproximación a la alienación lingüística en Rossi Landi, Ponzio y Gramsci. An approach to linguistic alienation in Rossi Landi, Ponzio and Gramsci 2019 13
Johannes Angermuller, Julian Hamann The celebrity logics of the academic field. The unequal distribution of citation visibility of Applied Linguistics professors in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom 2019 16
Juan Vélez-Peña Zeitgenössische epistemologische Strategien der Subjektivitätsbildung in der Karibik : als Folge von Festlegungsversuchen von Alterität und Selbstbestimmung 2012 Verlag Mainz 258
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor Domestic animals and feudal order as source domains of deliberate metaphors in Polish public discourse 2019 Peter Lang
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor Are (Polish) Politicians out of this World? Conceptual Metaphors of Outer Space in Political Discourse 2017 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor POLITICIANS-ARE-ANIMALS metaphor in scenarios of breeding and hunting in Polish political discourse 2016 Peter Lang
Desislsava Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva Call for Papers 2020
Nicolina Montessori, Critical Analysis Critical Policy Discourse Analysis 2019 Edward Elgar
Adam Warzecha Kościół w sferze publicznej. Natanek, Nergal, Boniecki. Wybrane studia przypadków. 2019 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 210
Turpin Béatrice Pour une sémiotique du politique: schèmes mythiques du national-populisme 2006 22
Eva-Maria Graf, Claudio Scarvaglieri, Thomas Spranz-Fogasy Pragmatik der Veränderung. Problem- und lösungsorientierte Kommunikation in helfenden Berufen 2019 Gunter Narr Verlag 306
Yana Grinshpun ADARR Analyse du discours, Argumentation & Rhétorique 23/2019 : Le dispositif victimaire et sa disqualification 2019
Goranka Rocco, Elmar Schafroth Vergleichende Diskurslinguistik. Methoden und Forschungspraxis 2019 Peter Lang 444
Goranka Rocco Flexibilisierung und Persuasion 2019
Stephan Schurig Geschlechterkonstruktionen in geographischen Fachlehrbüchern von 1990 bis 2015 2018 readbox unipress
Jan Zienkowski, Ruth Breeze Imagining the Peoples of Europe: populist discourses across the political spectrum 2019 John Benjamins 378
Jaspal Singh Loudness registers: Normalizing cosmopolitan identities in a narrative of ethnic othering 2020 18
Ljiljana Šarić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević Metaphors, nation and discourse 2019 John Benjamins 356
Martina Berrocal, Aleksandra Salamurovic Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe 2019 John Benjamins 268
Johannes Angermuller Truth after post-truth: for a Strong Programme in Discourse Studies 2018
Albin Wagener Discours et système 2019 Peter Lang
Benno Herzog, Jorge Ruiz Análisis Sociológico del Discurso - Enfoques, métodos, procedimientos 2019 Publicaciones Universitat de València 284
Argumentation Amossy Argumentation & Anayse du Discours - L'Analyse du discours politique 2019
Adam Warzecha „Nakaz milczenia” dla ks. Adama Bonieckiego. Sytuacje kryzysowe i strategie wyłączenia z dyskursu na styku Kościół–sfera publiczna 2018 111-124
Adam Warzecha Samospalenie Piotra Szczęsnego. Jak w trakcie skandalu zmieniają się znaczenia? 2019 155-170
Ronny Scholz Quantifying Approaches to Discourse for Social Scientists 2019 Palgrave Macmillan 320
Jens Maesse Globalization strategies and the economics dispositive. Insights from Germany and the UK 2018
Yannik Porsché Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums. Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany 2018 Palgrave Macmillan 401
Theodore Bonnah Kimo-kawaii Catharsis: millennials, depression and the empty healing of Sanrio's Gudetama. 2018 24
Vivien Sommer Erinnern im Internet. Der Online-Diskurs um John Demjanjuk 2018 Springer VS
Adam Warzecha Postindustrialna religijność Polaków A.D. 2016 2017 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 197-206
Adam Warzecha Zastosowanie Krytycznej Analizy Dyskursu w badaniu zjawisk komunikacyjnych na przykładzie sprawy ks. Piotra Natanka 2014 63-85
Adam Warzecha Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu w public relations (koncepcja badania) 2012 189-205
Adam Warzecha Krytyczna Analiza Dyskursu (KAD) w ujęciu Normana Fairclougha. Zarys problematyki 2014 164-189
Adam Warzecha Shockvertising, scandalization and viral communication in discursive struggle: Nergal in "The Voice of Poland". 2017 Peter Lang 323–345
Félix Krawatzek Youth in Regime Crisis: Comparative Perspectives from Russia to Weimar Germany 2018 Oxford University Press
Jaspal Singh, Tom Bartlett Negotiating sustainability across scales: Community organising in the Outer Hebrides. AILA Review 30: 50-71. 2017 21
Jaspal Singh, Ethiraj Dattatreyan Cultural interventions: Repositioning hip hop education in India. 2016 9
Jan Zienkowski Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice 2018 18
Jan Zienkowski Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the meta political dimension of discursive practice 2018
Mariano Dagatti, Vanice Sargentini Los pueblos de la democracia. Política y medios en el siglo XXI 2018 La Bicicleta Ediciones 364
Cornelia Ilie Pragmatics and its Interfaces 2018 John Benjamins 313
George Rossolatos On the spectral ideology of cultural globalization as social hauntology 2018 52-72
George Rossolatos Post-place branding as nomadic experiencing 2018 39-62
George Rossolatos Consumed by the Real: A conceptual framework of abjective consumption and its freaky vicissitudes 2018 39-62
George Rossolatos Impossibly good looks: A pragma-ontological approach to unearthing the latent rhetorical structure of anti-aging advertising discourse 2018 1-40
George Rossolatos Brand image re-revisited: A semiotic note on brand iconicity and brand symbols 2018 412-428
George Rossolatos A sociosemiotic approach to consumer engagement in usergenerated advertising 2018 555-589
Consuming antinatalism in social media: A discourse historical analytic approach 2018 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
George Rossolatos What’s in a thang? Dancing to brand image with Miley Cyrus’s multimodal dance spectacle 2017 101-130
George Rossolatos Toy stories: On the disciplinary regime of vibration 2017 145-164
George Rossolatos Carpool Karaoke: Deconstructing the directly lived experience of hearing oneself singing 2017 624-637
George Rossolatos Holy shit! Consuming oneself through taboo speech-acts 2016 151-170
George Rossolatos Limeating Inc.: Furious Pete and the post-colonial hamburger standard 2016 533-548
George Rossolatos Good vibrations: Charting the dominant and emergent discursive regimes of sex toys 2016 1475-1494
George Rossolatos A multimodal discourse analytic approach to the articulation of Martini’s “desire” positioning in filmic product placement 2016 211-226
George Rossolatos Before the consummation what? On the role of the semiotic economy of seduction 2016 451-465
George Rossolatos The Brand Imaginarium, or on the iconic constitution of brand image 2015 Kassel University Press 390-457
George Rossolatos Taking the “multimodal turn” in interpreting consumption experiences 2015 427-446
George Rossolatos Servicing a heavy metal fandom posthumously: A sociosemiotic account of collective identity formation in Dio’s memorial 2015 633-655
George Rossolatos Double or nothing: Deconstructing cultural heritage 2015 297-315
George Rossolatos The ice-bucket challenge: The legitimacy of the memetic mode of cultural reproduction is the message 2015 132-152
George Rossolatos A Dio: A sociosemiotic/phenomenological account of the formationof collective narrative identity in the context of a rock legend’s memorial 2015 81-125
George Rossolatos Is the semiosphere post-modernist? 2015 95-113
George Rossolatos For a semiotic model of cultural branding and the dynamic management of a brandosphere in the face of user-generated advertising 2014 23-47
George Rossolatos Lady Gaga as (dis)simulacrum of monstrosity 2014 231-246
George Rossolatos Conducting multimodal rhetorical analysis of TV ads with Atlas.ti 7 2014 51-84
George Rossolatos Building strong brands with structuralist rhetorical semiotics: A step-by- step exposition of the methodological framework of the brand trajectory of signification 2014 International Association for Semiotic Studies
George Rossolatos Towards the cultural branding model of the brandosphere: From share-of-market to share-of-cultural representations 2014 New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation, Proceedings of the 12th Semiotics World Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 16-20 September 2014, ed. Kristian Bankov, IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House 5
George Rossolatos Rapunzel, Benjamin Button and Little Red Riding Hood in this and any other possible world: Philosophical, rhetorical and textual semiotic excursions in inter-textual formations amongst advertising, literary and filmic texts 2014 28
George Rossolatos On the pathology of the enthymeme: Accounting for hidden visual premises in advertising discourse 2014 1-27
George Rossolatos Exploring the rhetorical semiotic brand image structure of ad films with multivariate mapping techniques 2014 335-358
George Rossolatos A methodological framework for conducting multimodal rhetorical analyses of advertising films with ATLAS.ti 2013 Universitatsverlag der TU Berlin 1-52
George Rossolatos Brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics: A conceptual framework 2013 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings (EMAC). Istanbul, Turkey 4-7 2013 8
George Rossolatos Operationalizing Groupe μ’s local and general degrees zero in the light of multimodal ad filmic textual analysis 2013 10th International Conference on Semiotics Proceedings, Greece, Oct 5th 2013
George Rossolatos "I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I do not know which half (J. Wannamaker)”: Semiotic answers to perennial branding troubles 2013 545-560