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Warwick International Postgraduate Conference. Centre for Applied Linguistics

Ter, 06/24/2014 - Qua, 06/25/2014
Término das inscrições

The Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce its 17th
Postgraduate Conference on Tuesday, 24th and Wednesday, 25th June 2014. The postgraduate
conference covers a wide range of topics including language teaching, intercultural
communication, and academic or political discourse. The aim of the conference is to provide
postgraduate students with the opportunity to present their research, to attend experts’
keynote presentations, to meet peers who engage in similar research activities and to get
valuable feedback on their research. The esteemed keynote speakers that will be in
attendance at this year’s postgraduate conference are:

Professor Martha Maznevski
Professor Steve Walsh

We invite postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to submit an abstract for either a paper
or a poster presentation on one but not limited to the following themes:
• English Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (ELLTA)
• Professional and Academic Discourse (PAD)
• Working and Communicating Across Cultures (WACC)
We particularly encourage submissions of empirical, conceptual/theoretical nature as well as
findings from dissertations/PhD theses at different stages. Abstracts are for either paper or
poster presentations. You may apply to present either individually or as a group (max. 3).

Submission deadline of abstracts is Monday, 28th April 2014. Your abstract must include the following information:
• The title
• Name(s) of the author(s)
• Affiliation
• Paper/poster presentation
Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length (excluding the above information). They must be submitted using our online abstract submission form.

Abstracts will be selected and approved by the conference committee. Accepted papers and posters will be notified by Monday, 12th May 2014.
Paper Presentations
Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation, followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Presenters can send a proposal for on-going research or completed research:
Poster Presentations
The aim of academic posters is to draw attention to on-going or completed projects or research. As standing displays, poster content should be brief and to the point rather than presenting complex data. They should be designed in an attractive and clear way, using diagrams, graphs, tables, etc. rather than long texts.
Poster dimensions and material
The recommended poster size is A0 size portrait (841 mm wide x 1189 mm long) or similar. Please, consider that the most appropriate material is paper or thin cardboard. Heavy materials may be difficult to be attached on the board. The organizers will provide the appropriate material to attach the posters.
Type of Research
On-going research
• A clearly stated topic of investigation, supported by a rationale, should be indicated and may include a brief review of literature. Submissions can be empirical or theoretical. Presenters are free to provide any information related to their on-going research.
Completed research
• In addition to the above guidelines, participants may choose to focus on their methodology, findings, discussion, or any combination of these aspects.
Guidelines for poster presentations
All Posters shall be on display on Wednesday 25th.
Posters should be mounted by the presenters on Tuesday 24th from 16:00 to 17:30 or on Wednesday 25th from 8:00 to 9:00. Please contact one of the committee members for help.
• Each participant is supposed to be present during the poster session which will also be indicated in the programme of the conference.
• Posters must be removed by the presenters from poster boards from 17.00 to 18.00 on Wednesday, 25th June. Please contact one of the committee members for help.
The poster should be legible (the audience should be able to read the information from a distance of one metre; avoid dark letters on dark background).
Key Dates
Submission and Registration Schedule
Submission deadline
28 April 2014
Notification of accepted/rejected papers and posters
12 May 2014
Early bird registration
16 April - 28th May 2014
Regular registration closes
25 June 2014
Useful Links
Conference Website:
Accommodation: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/research/conferences/wpgc2014/acco…

Entre em contato com
Reem Doukmak or Xiaozhe Cai:
Centre for Applied Linguistics