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Investigating academic discourses: English language use at European universities

Fr., 08/29/2014 - Sa., 08/02/2014

Dear all,

We would like to invite those working in the field of academic discourses to submit an abstract for the seminar we will convene at the 12th ESSE Conference next year (http://kaa.ff.upjs.sk/en/event/4/12th-e-s-s-e-c-o-n-f-e-r-e-n-c-e#toc-h…). This biennial event, organized by the European Society for the Study of English, will take place in Košice (Slovakia) from 29 August (Friday) to 2 September (Tuesday) 2014.

The title of our seminar is “Investigating academic discourses: English language use at European universities”, and here is its 100-word abstract: “Academic discourses have become a focal point for both language researchers and teachers. With universities aiming to expand their international reach, it is vital to examine how English is used in various academic contexts. This seminar explores the notion of academic discourses, investigating English language use in diverse spoken/written genres and registers, subject areas, and national varieties. In the long run, the results of such empirical investigations will not only provide a detailed understanding of the ways of being and doing in contemporary academia, but they should also be pedagogically useful in the design of modules on English for academic purposes.”

Paper proposals to this seminar should be sent directly to us (vander.viana@stir.ac.uk and a.oboyle@qub.ac.uk) by 28 February 2014. Proposals should contain the following information:
E-mail (only one address)
Title of paper
Abstract (maximum of 200 words)
Equipment needed (all seminar rooms will be equipped by a computer and a projector)
According to the conference guidelines, presenters will be asked to circulate reduced versions of their papers in advance of the seminar, and they will have 15 minutes for presentation. The remaining time will be dedicated to discussion among seminar participants and attendees.

Proponents will be informed whether their papers have been accepted for presentation by 31 March 2014, and conference registration will open on 01 April 2014.

Please do feel free to contact us in case you have any queries.

All the best,
Vander Viana (University of Stirling)
Aisling O’Boyle (Queen’s University Belfast)

Vander Viana (University of Stirling) Aisling O’Boyle (Queen’s University Belfast)