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[IM] Possible! Embodied and Moving Heterotopies as Sites of Education

Ven, 06/03/2016 - Dom, 06/05/2016
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[IM] Possible!
Embodied and Moving Heterotopies as Sites of Education
Conference at the Department of Educational Sciences
Hosted by the Institute of Educational Science and the Institute of Sport Science and Motology
March 3rd – 5th 2016
The conference invites to address the tension field of embodiment, education and practices located within this realm – as critical dialogue, as a mode of rebellion but also as an open field of exploration for different possibilities.
We mark embodiment as lively node of societal (power) relations and social practices, making movement(s) at once possible and impossible. The somatic dimension encompasses qualities of willful, at times self-willed, sensing and acting whereby processes of development, configuration and education are elicited in the moved, somatic subject.
The Foucauldian term ‘heterotopies’ refers us to localized spaces in and through which utopical moments become lived realities and modes of practices. These frontier areas exist between collective ascriptions and self-willed forms of culturing and education. Hence, heterotopies name [IM]possible sites of engagement/contention. They bring forth fields of tension in a sensitive-somatic horizon enfolding lively intensities and agency same as crisis and moments of fragility.
The active engagement with world harbors confrontation with resistance and friction with normativities. It opens up [IM]possibilities of realizing subversive practices and alternative ways of living. A body’s inherent vitality and liveliness therein reveals an inscribed, yet technologically modifiable and vulnerable dimension of ‘existence’.
In this context, the conference searches for (self-)realizations of the moved, somatic subject and for collective as well as institutionalized practices. Practices which oscillate – sometimes rage – between
resistance, self-will, affirmation and dialogue. We are interested in real(ized) and symbolic heterotopical spaces which can be both, a stage or an effect of these (searching) movements.
The conference as a heterotopical space itself intends to weave together embodied experience and scientific exchange. We invite practitioners and theorists who want to contribute to this fathoming of the heterotopical scope from differing (disciplinary) approaches. We welcome theoretical inputs and workshops integrating and using somatic experience and scientific exchange – also in hybrid forms of presenting!
Please submit your abstract (1,000 – 1,500 characters) by September 15th 2015 to Koerpertagung2016@uni-marburg.de
Conference languages are German and English. Responses concerning your contributions will be given by the end of October 2015.
Prof. Dr. Anke Abraham, Prof. Dr. Susanne Maurer,
Dipl.-Päd. Jasmin Scholle, M.A. Lea Spahn, Dr. phil. Bettina Wuttig