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IGALA 8: Shifting Visions: Gender, Sexuality, Discourse and Language

Do., 06/05/2014 - Sa., 06/07/2014

The 8th International Gender and Language Association Conference will take place for the first time in Canada. The venue is Simon Fraser University, Harbor Centre, located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, BC. The New York Times describes Vancouver as, “…a liquid city, a tomorrow city, equal parts India, China, England, France and the Pacific Northwest.”

The conference will provide scholars and researchers worldwide with an opportunity to present their work and share ideas in the fields of language, gender, and sexuality.

Keynote Speakers:

Bonny Norton, UBC, Lecture: Language, gender, and scholarship: Lessons I have learnt
Marjorie Goodwin, UCLA, Lecture: The Embodied Interactive Constitution of Intimacy
Jane Sunderland, Lancaster, Lecture: Marginal texts and marginalized readers? Eric, Martin and Harry Potter

Special Guest:

Chantal Hebert, CBC Journalist and Broadcaster, French and English Politics, Lecture: Breaking the silos: one journalist's experience with reporting on Canadian politics in French and English

Special Performance:

We're very excited to welcome the unapologetically bold and passionately Canadian storyteller, Ivan Coyote, as our performance guest of honor.

Abstract Submission

Submissions are invited for presentations in oral or multimodal formats
including papers, posters, panels, round tables, and performances that address all aspects of gender, sexuality, discourse and language. Submissions will be accepted in French as well as English and be incorporated into the appropriate language stream. Please see the attached information sheet for more specific information on how to apply. The information can also be found on the website.

Deadline for abstracts. 30 November

For information about accommodation at reduced rates and general information about Vancouver, please visit the website. For registration information, please visit the website.

Contact and Information
For further information do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee: info@igala8.com


Allyson Jule
Sandra McGoldrick
Conference Co-chairs
