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IADA 13th International Conference on Dialogue Analysis

Di., 04/26/2011 - Sa., 04/30/2011

Conference Theme: Dialogue and Representation

We invite researchers to submit proposals that address the connections of representation and dialogue, which can be problematized in at least the three following ways:
1. Dialogue as representation,
2. Normative perspectives on dialogue/representation issues, and
3. Representations of dialogue.
The conference also welcomes any contribution addressing the question of dialogue.

The notion of dialogue is not restricted to a specific view of dialogue nor to a particular model but covers the whole range of language use including approaches based on other concepts such as conversation, discourse or social interaction. The following premises are considered to be common ground, even though they may also be discussed: (1) Language is primarily used for communication, (2) Communication is always dialogic. Based on this inclusive acceptation of the notion of dialogue, we hope that many scholars and students will be interested in participating in this unique conference.

Guidelines for Submission

Abstract submission deadline: December 1, 2010
Notifications of acceptance: January 15, 2010
Full paper submission deadline: March 15, 2011

Prospective contributors should submit their 1,000-word abstract (typed and double-spaced), together with a title as a MS Word file to dialogue2011@com.umontreal.ca. The email message should indicate the author‚s status (student or researcher/professor) and institutional affiliation.

Papers can be presented in English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian.
Organizers will send notifications of acceptance by January 15, 2011.
Authors must send full papers by March 15, 2011, if they want their paper to be included in the conference proceedings.

The organizers are currently discussing the possibility of publishing the best contributions as book chapters in an edited book (in English) with a book publisher.

François COOREN, U. de Montréal, Canada
Alain LÉTOURNEAU, U. de Sherbrooke, Canada Organizing Committee:
Nicolas BENCHERKI, U. de Montréal, Canada
Émilie PELLETIER, U. de Montréal, Canada