Call for Papers endet am
46010 Valencia Valencia
We are delighted to announce that the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València and the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades de la Comunitat Valenciana (IULMA) will be hosting, on the 4th-6th November 2020 in Valencia, Spain, the International Conference on Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series. The conference will address series originally produced in English.
Conference topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Multimodal discourses in DTVS.
- The function of dialogue and other forms of narrative in DTVS.
- Characterisation. Innovations and stereotyping through characters’ unique discourse.
- Identity politics based on race, ethnicity, religion, age, class, or species in DTVS.
- Gender and sexuality in DTVS. The use of DTVS as an innovative space for raising awareness about social inequality
- Sexual and gender-based politics. Denunciation of patriarchal discourses, feminist utopias and dystopias.
- Posthuman, transhuman, biotechnological and ecocritical discourses in DTVS: the overcoming of humanism and the blurring of the boundaries between the human, the technological and the animal.
- From Ageing to Disability Studies in DTVS: portrayals of old age, illness, disease, and the handicapped subject.
- Screen adaptations. Conventional vs. experimental structures and narrative plots in DTVS.
- Fandom-related discourses and industries.
P.S. We invite you to contribute to the list of Online Bibliographic References on (Digital) TV Series (see also Bednarek, M., & Zago, R. 2019)
Conference Convenors
Carmen Gregori-Signes
Claudia Alonso-Recarte
Miguel Fuster-Márquez
Sergio Maruenda-Bataller
Paula Rodríguez-Abruñeiras
Joaquín Primo-Pacheco
Carmen Gregori-Signes
Claudia Alonso-Recarte
Miguel Fuster-Márquez
Sergio Maruenda-Bataller
Paula Rodríguez-Abruñeiras
Joaquín Primo-Pacheco
Universitat de València
Carmen Gregori-Signes
Kontakperson E-Mail Addresse