Dear users,
The word is spreading that DiscourseNet is becoming an association (see below). You received an invitation to participate in our survey on 07/08/19 and some of you have expressed your interest in becoming active.
If you want to contribute in one way or another, you will be welcome at our events where you can meet and get to know the crowd, e.g. at DNC3ALED 11-14/09/19 in Paris ( or 18-20/05/19 in Brussels.
If you want to get to know more about plans and prospects before Paris and consider running in the upcoming Steering Group elections during the General Assembly on 14/09/19 in Paris, we have set up a skype conference on 06/09/19 at 1-2pm Continental European Summer Time. Please write to Jaspal Singh ( not later than 05/09/19 and let him know about your background, your motivations and ideas for a possible contribution and your skype user name.
Jaspal and Johannes
for the DiscourseNet Temporary Board
Announcement of DiscourseNet elections (16/08/19): Link
DiscourseNet Survey (07/08/19): Link
Announcement of DiscourseNet association (15/07/19): Link
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