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2016 Critical Studies Research Group Conference on Resistance

Lun, 06/13/2016 - Mar, 06/14/2016
Scadenza iscrizioni

Dear all,

*** Apologies for Cross Posting ****

I hope you are having a good year and would like to invite you to submit an abstract for the 2016 Critical Studies Research Group Conference on Resistance.


13th-14th June 2016
Grand Parade, University of Brighton

Deadline for submission: 1st February 2016

If resistance has a tradition, it is one which is not unilinear or uncontested. Dominant understandings of resistance are themselves resisted, typically when certain peoples are left outside of the history or the conceptualisation of resistance. This conference explores how the notion of resistance has been challenged, both by practices of resistance and theorisations of resistance (a distinction which can only be maintained so far).

How has the advent of new technologies shifted understandings of resistance? Is resistance distinct from politics, and if so how do both operate when neoliberal rationality becomes hegemonic? Does violence interrupt resistance, or is it generative of resistance? What conceptions of the human are presumed in discourses of resistance? Can resistance be enacted, or contested, through memory?

The Critical Studies Research Group welcomes proposals for both research papers as well as non-conventional forms of presentation, for example performances, workshops, screenings and papers that resist traditional hierarchies of academic presentation. Videos and performances should be accompanied by a short presentation detailing the work’s critical engagement with the conference theme. Submissions might be from a range of disciplines, and transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary contributions are also encouraged.

Topics might concern, but are not limited to, the following:

Fugitivity; the undercommons; ensemble
Memory and/as resistance
Resistance to (neo)liberalism
Neocolonial/decolonial resistance
Détournement today
Conformity and social media networks
Populism(s) and/as resistance
Medicine and misconduct
Violence and nonviolence
Counter-histories of resistance
Democracy and/as resistance
Queering resistance
Horrorism; necropolitics; precarity
Resistance in/to asymmetric warfare
Discriminations: ableism, sexism, ageism, racism
Police and protest
Intersectionality and/as resistance
Youth and resistance
Virality, online political movements and digital resistance

Proposals should be sent as an attachment and contain a title, an abstract (of no more than 300 words) and a brief biography. If relevant, proposals can include links to give an indication of your artistic practice. The deadline for proposals is the 1st February 2016.

Please send proposals to: CriticalStudiesResearch@brighton.ac.uk

For more information please contact Megan Archer: M.Archer@brighton.ac.uk.

Kind regards,

Heather McKnight

Critical Studies Research Group

University of Brighton



Critical Studies Research Group
Megan Archer