Special Issue of the DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series
Call for Short Papers (1200-3000 words)
The war against Ukraine has significant impacts on many societies world-wide, especially in Europe. The war changes public debates and political discourses in many countries. In addition to that, economic, technical, academic and other discourses are also influenced by this new state of things.
In the last weeks and months, DiscourseNet organised a couple of discussions (including a workshop) in order to reflect on this situation from a discourse analytical point of view. Now, we decided to set up a Short Paper Special Issue with DNCWPS.
We invite Short Papers (1200–3000 words) which reflect on these discourses. Please submit a short discourse analysis or discourse theoretical reflection on how the war is influencing:
- media discourses,
- party discourses,
- parliamentary debates,
- economic and technical discourses,
- discourses around war crimes and human rights,
- discourses around NATO, EU Eastern policy, and potential future enlargement of the Union,
- discourses around climate, energy and resources,
- military discourses,
- academic and educational discourses,
- and everyday discourses.
How should your proposal look like?
Short Working Papers …
- can be submitted in English.
- include 1200–3000 words.
- should be accompanied by an abstract (300 and 500 keystrokes, inclusive of spaces).
- should include some keywords and a short author bio (up to 600 keystrokes).
- should avoid footnotes and italics.
- should use the APA-Citation style (https://www.library.cornell.edu/research/citation/apa) or similar author-year-styles.
- should be sent to Jens Maesse (jens.maesse@sowi.uni-giessen.de) as WORD-Document.
For our DiscourseNet Statement on the invasion of Ukraine visit:
For all papers of our DNCWPS see:
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