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DiscourseNet Winter School no. 1 - Doing Research on Academic, Educational and Intellectual Discourses

Discourse Studies is a field which studies meaning- and sense-making practices in their political, social and historical contexts. The DiscourseNet Winter School brings together advanced BA and MA as well as PhD students who want to pursue research in Discourse Studies and to discuss the methodological and theoretical challenges of their thesis projects (or first ideas). Its aim is to bring young and confirmed discourse researchers together and to address practical challenges in discourse research.

1968 | 2018 Protest, performance and the public sphere. An interdisciplinary symposium

In 1968 a wave of popular protest swept across Europe, India and North and South America.
It was accompanied by demonstrations, interventions and performances, and marked the irruption of political protest in the public sphere in a way that changed culture, thinking and policy.

Seminario con el Profesor Johannes Angermuller (Universidad de Warwick, Reino Unido y EHESS, Francia): Análisis del discurso: problemáticas, tendencias, modelos analíticos.

La Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia a través del Cuerpo Académico de Análisis del Discurso y Semiótica de la Cultura y el Proyecto PAPIIT Emergencia e Interculturalidad (UNAM, Psicología) invitan al:

Seminario con:

Dr. Johannes Angermuller (Universidad de Warwick, Reino Unido y École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, París, Francia)

Análisis del discurso: problemáticas, tendencias, modelos analíticos

Días: del 21 al 24 de noviembre Horario vespertino: de las 3:30 hrs a las 7:30 hrs Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

DEBATE at 3rd EDISO Symposium: Discourse Studies and their associations, 29/06/17

DEBAT en el marc del III Simposi de EDISO
Desigualtats i nous discursos socials
Títol del debat: Discourse Studies and their associations. Sharing experiencies in organising discourse research
Dia: 29 de juny de 2017
Johannes Angermuller
Monica Heller
Clara Keating
Bonnie Urciuoli
Denize Garcia da Silva
Modera: Luisa Martin Rojo i Joan Pujolar Cos

Metapolitics and Metapolitical Discourse: conceptual and empirical investigations into populism and (anti-) democracy

As traditional democratic procedures and institutions are coming under increasing pressure in a context marked by highly mediatized cultural, political and economic crises, the notion of democratic politics itself faces challenges from the left, the right and the radical centre. Metapolitical projects on different sides of the political spectrum are gaining support and attention. At stake is a potential restructuration the public sphere itself.