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DiscourseNet International Congress #1: Panel on everyday critical meta-discourse and academic engagement

Do., 09/24/2015 - Sa., 09/26/2015

Critical discourse analysts and theorists are not the only people involved in the articulation of critique in the public realm. Political debates typically consist of layers of meta-discourse. They are fundamentally discourse about discourse and could not exist without the reflexive features of articulatory practice. Many researchers in critical discourse studies focus on social and political debates related to issues such as class, migration, ecology, globalization, or economic crisis. But so do non-academic actors such as artists, politicians and citizens who articulate their critical voices in mainstream and alternative media. One might say that all of them are performing some mode of discourse analysis on a daily basis. But if meta-discursive critique is the very stuff debates are made of, what is the specificity of academic modes of critique that are grounded in critical discourse studies? And in what ways do academic interventions in the public realm overlap in form and/or function with other modes of critical discourse? The participants of this panel will deal with these questions from both empirical and conceptual points of view. At this point, there are still some slots open in our panel. We welcome contributions from all approaches in the broad field of discourse studies.

If you are interested in contributing to this panel please contact Jan Zienkowski (jzienkowski@unav.es). However, in order to be accepted you will have to submit your abstract online following the instructions given here http://www.discourseanalysis.net/wiki.php?wiki=DiscourseNet%20Congress:… . Abstracts should count 200 words. For general questions concerning the conference (fees, travel, invitations for visa etc.) please write to the conference organizers dnc1@discourseanalysis.net .

Notification of acceptance: May, 1st 2015
Deadline registrations with early-bird fee: July, 1st 2015

In order to submit your abstract, you must register at discourseanalysis.net and be logged in. You can do this by clicking on the top right corner of the web page. After registering, you will be able to use the web page's functions and also receive discourse related emails with calls for papers and other announcements. To choose your language and filter messages that you do not want to receive just log in on the website and go to 'my account' in order to set your preferences.

Jan Zienkowski