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Michele Martini
University of Cambridge
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Michele Martini’s research is primarily focused on computational social science and specifically on the development of methods for the analysis of unstructured datasets such as texts, videos, images and user interfaces. Within this field, he has focused on three main areas of interest. The first one is the study of education policies, where he employs corpus linguistics and networked text analysis to trace significant discursive transformations in governmental documents. The second area of interest concerns the use of new media technologies by religious organizations for proselytization purposes. In this case, the study combined media analysis with interviews and ethnographic observations to understand the interaction between online and offline religious structures, especially focusing on emerging forms of community-building and their legitimization. Finally, the third area of interest focuses on online visibility (e.g. YouTube or Instagram), its potential to create new political spaces, its interaction with offline visibility and how such interaction support or disrupt established power structures.