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Júlio Antonio
Bonatti Santos
Universitat de València, España
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PhD candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Valencia, Spain. I am PhD in Linguistics from Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCAR – São Paulo, Brazil. I was visiting researcher at the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, Open University, United Kingdom, with scholarship by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Ministry of Education of Brazil. I am Master and Bachelor in History from the School of Human and Social Sciences at UNESP – São Paulo, Brazil. I am member of the following research groups: Grupo de Investigación en Teoría Crítica (https://critica.blogs.uv.es/investigadoresas/) and Laboratory of Epistemological Studies and Multimodal Discursivities – LEEDiM – UFSCAR/CNPq. I developed my doctoral research with a Discourse Analysis approach and having as my object of study the American linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky, currently one of the greatest representatives of intellectual engagement. In addition, I have acted in diverse areas of education, like: director and professor of popular and community institution of education (Service of University Extension of the Students of the UNESP); professor of several subjects in Human Sciences (University of Franca, São Paulo, Cruzeiro do Sul Educational Group), as well as professor of History at the State Government of São Paulo.