Persson Perry Baumgartinger

Independent scholar, senior lecturer, trainer and coach in the fields of Trans Studies, Trans-Arts and Cultural Production, Critical Discourse and Dispositif Analysis, Research Ethics, Queer Linguistics, Social History and Critical Diversity.
2017-2019 Senior Scientist at the Contemporary Arts and Cultural Production program area of the collaborative focus on Science and the Arts (University of Salzburg).
2014-2017 Visiting Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies, University of Bern.
2014 & 2015: Visiting Scholar at the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt University Berlin.
2012 & 2013: Associate & fellow of the Research Training Group "Gender as a Category of Knowledge" at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Various teaching activities, lectures and performance lectures at Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Vienna, University of Salzburg, Academy of Fine Arts (class Ashley Scheirl), Kunsthochschule Kassel (class Johanna Schaffer), University of Bern, Justus Liebig University of Gießen, University of Saarbrücken, etc.
Together with Vlatka Frketić he founded the association ][diskursiv in 2006. Within the framework of the association, among other things, a study on trans people in the Austrian labor market was produced in 2008, and in 2011 a booklet on the emergence of the current trans movement in Austria. Furthermore, for more than 10 years they have been developing a (training) concept on critical diversity as well as concepts and approaches to language, power, discrimination and resistance. For several years they organized the TransGender Day of Remembrance in Vienna. In cooperation with the Department of Gender Studies at the University of Vienna, the association ][diskursiv organized the two-day exchange workshop "TransGender Studies" in Vienna in 2014. Persson Perry Baumgartinger is the founder of "queeropedia", the critical encyclopedia project in various formats.
Implementation of and collaboration in numerous projects, trainings and workshops at universities of applied sciences, NGOs and universities on Trans_Inter*Queer, Language & Power, Gender & Gender Diversity, Critical Diversity, Social Justice.
Activities at the intersection of science, art and cultural production: among others for the Kunsthalle Wien (ongoing; with Andrea Hubin), the Schwules Museum Berlin 2012 (with Toni Schmale) as well as the critical encyclopedia project queeropedia (since 2006), which experienced the new edition "queeropedia [play]" (2019) with students in the context of a three-semester seminar cycle (Kunsthochschule Kassel).
2016: agpro research award for the dissertation.
2015: Theodor Körner Award for the dissertation.
Publications (selection):
2019 Die staatliche Regulierung von Trans. Der Transsexuellen-Erlass in Österreich (1980-2010). Eine Dispositivgeschichte. The Transsexual Decree in Austria (1980-2010). A dispositive history. Transcript, Bielefeld.
2019 Kultur produzieren. Künstlerische Praxen und kritische kulturelle Produktion. Transcript, Bielefeld. (With Elke Zobl, Elisabeth Klaus und Anita Moser)
2018 eJournal #9 „Open Up! Ein- und Ausschlüsse in Kunst und Kultur“, Online: (With Elke Zobl und Anita Moser.)
2018 Trans Studies & Feminismen – Reibungen, Brüche … und Allianzen? In: FEMINA POLITICA – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 2-2018.
2017 Trans Studies. Historische, sprachliche und aktivistische Aspekte. Zaglossus, Wien. 2nd ed. 2019
2017 Dispositiv-Reparatur statt Paradigmenwechsel - Über das „Konservieren“ des Zweigeschlechterdispositivs durch die staatliche Regulierung von Trans* in Österreich (In: OBST 91, 2017)
2015 Sprache macht Geschlecht - Das 'zwanghafte' Erhaltung der Zweigeschlechternorm in der Verwaltung von Trans*Personen in Österreich (In: Zeitschrift des interdiszipilinären Zentrums für Geschlechterforschung IZFG, Bern).
2012 language . power . discrimination . resistance - a collage. (In: time/franzen, trans*_homo. differences, alliances, contradictions, nono-verlag).
2008 Lieb[schtean] Les[schtean], [schtean] du das gerade liest ... Von Emanzipiaton und Pathologisierung, Ermächtigung und Sprachveränderungen (In: liminalis #2)
In: FEMINA POLITICA - Journal of Feminist Political Science, 2-2018.
2017 Trans Studies. Historical, verbal and activist aspects. Zaglossus, Vienna. 2nd ed. 2019
2017 Dispositive repair instead of paradigm shift - On the 'preservation' of the two-gender dispositive through state regulation of trans* in Austria (In: OBST 91, 2017).
2015 Sprache macht Geschlecht - Das 'zwanghafte' Erhaltung der Zweigeschlechternorm in der Verwaltung von Trans*Personen in Österreich (In: Zeitschrift des interdiszipilinären Zentrums für Geschlechterforschung IZFG, Bern).
2012 language . power . discrimination . resistance - a collage. (In: time/franzen, trans*_homo. differences, alliances, contradictions, nono-verlag).
2008 Lieb[schtean] Les[schtean], [schtean] you are reading this ... Of emancipiaton and pathologization, empowerment and language changes (In: liminalis #2)
Link association ][discursive (incl. publications):
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