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GRATO 2021 – 7th International Conference on Grammar & Text

Gio, 11/18/2021 - Sab, 11/20/2021
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Il Call for papers è aperto fino al


GRATO – International Conference on Grammar & Text – is a biannual conference that aims to
deepen the relationship between grammar and text / discourse, as a space for convergence and
reciprocal subsidiarity. It brings together contributions from linguists whose research work is
situated in different theoretical-methodological frameworks, privileging the treatment of topics
of morphology, semantics, text theory and discourse analysis, from synchronic and diachronic
GRATO 2021 will be held online, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of November 2021, and will privilege
the following thematic axes:
1. Relationships and interactions between Grammar and Text;
2. Forms and constructions – descriptions and perspectives;
3. Between fact and opinion – grammatical, discursive and textual configurations;
4. Didactics and literacy in Grammar and Text.

Invited Speakers
Joaquim Dolz (Université de Genève)
Johannes Angermuller (Open University)
Sarah de Vogüé (Université Paris Nanterre)

Submission Guidelines
Proposals for participation in the following modalities are welcome:
• Papers
• Coordinated sessions
Proposals for papers and coordinated sessions must be explicitly registered in one of the above
mentioned thematic axes. Abstracts may be submitted in one of the Conference languages:
Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.
Oral presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The coordinated
sessions will include a maximum of 4 papers, followed by discussion.
In order to guarantee diversity, each author may submit a maximum of two proposals, only one
of them as the first author.

Paper proposals should include:
• Title
• Name(s) of the author(s)
• Affiliation
• Thematic axis in which it is registered
• 5 keywords (maximum)
• 300 to 500 word summary, with explanation of the objectives, concepts and theoreticalmethodological frameworks convened
• 5 bibliographic references (maximum)
Proposals for coordinated sessions should include:
• Name of the person responsible for the session
• Theme
• Name (s) of the author (s)
• Affiliation
• Thematic axis in which it is registered
• 5 keywords (maximum)
• Summary of each of the communications (one of the abstracts being the person
responsible for the coordinated session), with 300 to 500 words, explaining the
objectives, concepts and theoretical-methodological frameworks convened and 5
bibliographical references (maximum)

Submission of proposals at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=grato2021

Contact address: grato@fcsh.unl.pt

Registration fees
• Participant with a paper and certificate: 30 euros
• Participant without a paper and with attendance certificate: 10 euros
• Participant without a paper and without certificate: Free
• CLUNL researchers and collaborators: Free
Registration is mandatory for all types of participation.

Important dates
• 15 May 2021: deadline for submission of all abstracts (extension)
• 20 July 2021: notification of acceptance
• 30 October 2021: closing registration date

Organizing Committee
Helena Topa Valentim (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Teresa Oliveira (Politécnico de Portalegre/CLUNL)
| Carla Teixeira (CLUNL) | Isabelle Simões Marques (Universidade Aberta/CLUNL) | Matilde
Gonçalves (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Rute Rosa (CLUNL)
Grupo Gramática & Texto – CLUNL: http://clunl.fcsh.unl.pt/grupos_clunl/gramatica-texto/
CLUNL - Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Helena Topa Valentim
E-mail di contatto